40 - The Funeral

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A few days pass and I'm heading into Brooklyn to meet up with Bucky and Sam. Tony's funeral date is today and were getting ready to go there. 

"You take too long to get ready Laurie." Sam chuckles as I walk into the living room of the apartment we're in. Steve gave me the keys to his place a few years ago and said I can stay here for a while seeing as the compound is destroyed.

"Samuel," I say, adjusting my jacket in the mirror, "it's one of my best friend's funeral, shut up."

"Where's Barnes?" I ask.

"In the bathroom sorting out his hair." Sam rolls his eyes.

"Come on, Buck," I shout through the bathroom door, "let's go."

"Ok, ok, I'm coming." He laughs and walks out and past me.

"Waiting on you now, Wilson." I wink as Bucky and I walk out the door.

"You're the one with the keys, Emerson." Sam says.

"Shut up." I laugh, going back to lock the door once Sam left.

"Why the long face?" I ask Bucky as we get in the car, him in the front with me and Sam in the back.

"We're going to a funeral, Laurie." Bucky replies.

"No, it's something else." I return.

"It doesn't matter at the moment." He sighs.

"Alright then," I shake my head, "we ready?"

"Yeah." Sam and Bucky say at the same time.

"Are you doing a funeral for Pietro?" Sam asks from the back seat.

"Don't talk to me about him at the moment." I sigh heavily, heading out of Brooklyn.

"I thought he was your boyfriend."

"Never officially."

"Wait a minute... you two actually went out?"

"Was that never clear?" I question, Bucky giggling on the seat next to me, "shut up, Barnes."

"I'm laughing at Sam!" Bucky claims.

"Why are you laughing at me?!" Sam questions.

"It was so obvious between Laurie and Pietro."

"You were barely with us!" I laugh.

"I didn't need to be!"

"Oh my god Barnes you're ridiculous." I shake my head.

"Sorry not sorry." He laughs again.


The three of us arrive at the cabin a little while later and we go round to the back near the lake.

"Hey, kid," I say to Peter, "how you holding up?"

"Not great, I won't lie," he frowns, "how about you?"

"Not great either," I sigh, "but it's going to be ok."

"I know." Peter smiles faintly.

"I'm around if you need me, you know that, right?" I ask him.

"I know," he smiles again, "thank you."

"No problem." I nod and head down to see Wanda.

"Hey," I say softly as I stand next to her, "you alright?"

"I've been better, but I'm ok," she smiles softly and looks at me, "how are you?"

"Same," I chuckle softly, "you know, I feel like I should be happy that we won, but I don't know if losing three people was worth it."

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