19 - Ultron

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"Worthy? No," the deep voice grumbles, "how could you be worthy? You're all killers."

"Stark?" I question in a panic.

"Jarvis?" He asks the A.I. system.

"Sorry, I was asleep," the voice grumbles again, "or maybe I was in a dream."

"And I was tangled in... strings," they continue, "I had to kill the other guy, it really was a shame."

"Ultron?" Banner questions.

"Who sent you?" Steve shouts and Ultron plays a recording of one of Tony's comments.

"What does that even mean?" Natasha questions.

Quickly after, two bots fly through the wall and towards us. I duck behind one of the couches as Steve flips one of the tables, and a few other Avengers dive out the way.

"Someone get me a gun!" I yell, looking for something to fight with before Nat slides one to me, "thank you!"

I stand up from behind the couch, next to Hill, and the two of us start shooting the bots. Unfortunately, it doesn't go as well as we hoped.

"Steve!" I yell at him and throw his shield to him, "use it for goodness sake!" We all fight the bots for a while until it eventually calms down.

"Sorry, that was," Ultron says, "dramatic."

"Damn right." I wince slightly, using the railing to help me stand up.

"I know you mean well, you just didn't think it through," Ultron continues, "you say you want to protect the world but you really don't want it to change. How are you humans supposed to evolve if nothing changes. The only path to peace, is the Avengers' extinction."

Ultron mumbles some lyrics to 'I've got no strings' from Pinocchio like he's from a horror film, before his robot shuts off.

"Ultron cleared everything out," Banner sighs angrily, "using the internet as an escape route. He's been in all our files and surveillance and probably knows more about us than we know about each other."

"So, what if he decides to access something worse like... nuclear codes?" Hill questions.

"He said he wanted us dead." Natasha adds.

"Extinct, not dead?" Steve says.

""Who did he kill? He said he killed someone," I question, "but there wasn't anyone else here."

"Jarvis," Tony sighs, "he was our first line of defence, he should've shut Ultron down."

"So why didn't he?" I ask.

"Ultron would have taken over Jarvis, not kill him," Banner sighs, "he would've used him as a speedway to the internet."

While we're all arguing about the situation, Thor storms over to Stark and picks him up by the collar.

"Come on, use your words, buddy." Stark says.

"I have more than enough words to describe you-" Thor states.

"Thor. The Legionnaire." Steve says, causing Thor to put Tony down.

"They took the sceptre, so now we have to find it," Thor groans, "again."

I leave the group to argue and stand in front of one of the broken windows, looking out over the city.

"You alright?" Natasha asks.

"What's the big deal with this sceptre?" I question.

"You must have been in cryo," she sighs, "in 2012, Thor's brother Loki came down to earth from Asgard with this magical spectre, this alien army called the Chitauri and brainwashed Clint and many other Shield Agents in order to take over our world."

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