5 - "Our Trio's Down To Two", 1945

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A few days later, and some of James' Infantry are out getting drinks with Steve and I. Rogers is sitting around a table with Dugan, Falsworth, Morita and a few others, while Barnes and I are at the bar.

"Do you remember when Steve got into a fight at school?" I say, placing my glass on the table.

"Which one?" James laughs, "he was in loads."

"Yeah, true," I reply, "but the one where the Principle almost expelled all three of us?"

"Oh, yeah," he nods, smiling, "it was three against him."

"Yeah, that was fun. We had to grab him and get the other guys away."

"I don't think he would've got out easily if we didn't save him."

"He's lucky he had us."

"Yeah," James pauses, "but he doesn't need us anymore. Not with his somehow massively improved physique and all."

"I'm proud of him though." James continues.


"Even though I told him not to do anything stupid until I came back."

"Well, that's Steve for you," I laugh, "he doesn't listen."

"You two talking about me?" Steve laughs, sitting the other side of James.

"No, we're talking about Steve from down the road," I answer sarcastically, "yes we were talking about you."

"How are they?" I ask, gesturing towards the group he just came from.

"They're not too bad," Steve says, "they agreed, so, that's something."

"I told you," James says, "they're all idiots."

"Oh yeah?" Steve laughs, "how about you then? Are you ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?"

"Hell no," James chuckles, "the little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to not run away from danger. I'm following him." He grins.

"But you're keeping the outfit, right?" I question, laughing.

"You know what?" Steve answers, "I think I will."

"Captain. Emerson." Peggy says from the doorway.

"Agent Carter." Steve replies, getting out of his seat.

"Ma'am." James smirks, followed by a snigger from me.

"Carter." I nod.

"Stark has some equipment for the Captain to try," she begins, "and I understand you're working on something with Howard?"

"Yes, Ma'am." I nod again, slightly mocking James.

"I see the squad is prepping for duty?" Peggy sighs.

"You don't like music?" James smirks.

"I do, actually," she replies, looking at Steve and ignoring James, "I might even, when this is all over, go dancing."

"Then what are we waiting for?" James smirks again, Steve and I rolling our eyes.

"The right partner. 0800, Captain." She informs.

"Sounds good, I'll be there." Steve says as Peggy leaves the bar.

"I'm invisible," James sighs, "I'm... I'm turning into you. It's like some horrible dream."

"Don't take it so hard," Steve answers, patting James on the back, "maybe she's got a friend."


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