23 - Happy Birthday!

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"Laurie!" Steve opens my bedroom door, "come on, get up!"

"What day is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes and sitting up on my bed.

"March 7th."

"Oh, shit," I smile, "my birthday."

"Happy birthday, Laurie," Steve smiles and sits next to me, "here."

He hands me a semi-large box wrapped in brown paper and I begin to unwrap it. Inside the box is a 1940s style typewriter, just like the one I used to use.

"No way!" I exclaim, "is this-"

"That's the one."

"Oh my god," I sit speechless for a moment or so, "come here you idiot." The two of us laugh and I pull him into a hug.

"This is... incredible," I state as I sit back in bed, "thank you so much."

"That's alright," he smiles, "come on, a couple of the team are downstairs."

"I'll be there in a minute." I say as Steve nods then leaves the room.

I change into my usual casual but smart attire then head into the lounge area. Nat, Tony, Sam, Pietro and a few others are sitting on the couches, all with some kind of hot drink in their hands.

"English!" Pietro shouts, flying at me with a hug, "happy birthday!"

"How many years is it now, Marty?" Tony jokes.

"Shut up, Stark." I laugh and join the team on the couches.

"Do you know what you want to do today?" Sam asks.

"I kind of want to keep it quiet," I begin, "I'm still not all that comfortable with large crowds because of my history."

"Makes sense," Nat smiles softly, "we could just hang around here if you wanted and watch a movie later?"

"Yeah, sure." I agree.

"It's a joint one from Pepper and I." Tony smiles and hands me the gift from the two of them. I open it and it holds a tuxedo set I've been thinking about buying.

"No!" I exclaim in disbelief, "is this the one I've been talking about for ages?"

"Yes, it is." He grins as he watches me hold up the suit jacket.

"Hold on." I say and run back into my room. I change into the new suit and run back out to the team.

"So?" I ask, standing with my arms.

"Amazing." Tony smiles and I hug him.

"You seem quite emotional," Nat pulls me aside, "is everything alright?"

"Yeah," I smile, "it's just, this is my first year spending my birthday with the team, and although I lived with Wanda and Pietro for a few years, I never told them when my birthday was so I haven't had a proper one since 1946, and even then it didn't feel right because neither Steve or Bucky were there."

"It must be hard." She sighs.

"Yeah. That's also why I don't want to have a huge party like Tony normally does. Large group meetings aren't my thing, they never have been."

"I get it," Nat reassures, "when I joined Shield, I found it hard for the first couple years, but now I've been here for a while, these guys are like family."

"But you've been with them since 2012," I state, "I've only been with them since Sokovia."

"What about Steve?"


"You feel comfortable with him, right?"

"Yeah, of course," I reply, "I mean, yeah, he's changed but both of us have. He now leads the world's most famous superhero group and I'm just an ex-agent for the world's worst... I don't even know what to call them."

"You'll fit in, Laurie," Nat says, "with time." I smile at her and the two of us join the group again.

They're gathered around the kitchen island while Wanda is making breakfast - she's made a batch of pancakes for all of us to have. When she got to the compound, Wanda basically became the designated cook for a lot of our meals, which is good because she is one of the best out of the team.

After breakfast, even though it's now midday, some of us grab our coats and wander out onto the grounds of the compound for a walk while some of the others train. Clint, Pietro, Tony and I end up sitting on the bench area - Pietro laying on the floor in front of the bench I'm on while Tony and Clint sit on the bench opposite.

"What was it like on your birthdays in the 40s?" Clint asks, drawing my attention away from the lake.

"Well, it was like a normal one, I guess," I begin, "but when it became just Steve, James and I, it was a lot quieter. So was everyone's birthday and any holiday if I'm honest."

"When were their birthdays?" Pietro asks from the floor.

"Buck's was March 10th and Steve's is July 4th," I chuckle, "which is ironic considering he's Captain America."


In the early evening, the team and I gather back around the kitchen island after dinner. Pietro walks over and places a cake decorated with the Union Jack in front of me and smirks.

"Very funny, P." I laugh and roll my eyes. The team sing 'happy birthday' and I blow out the candles before the cake is cut and shared out.

"What did you wish for?" Pietro asks as the team then head back into the lounge.

"If I tell you, it won't come true." I smirk, joining my friends at the couches.

"What film do you want?" Tony asks.

"Someone choose," I laugh, "I've got no clue."

"What about that new Budapest Hotel film?" Steve asks, "what's it called?"

"The Grand Budapest Hotel." Clint corrects Steve.

"It's Budapest." Nat repeats with a different pronunciation and Clint hits her jokingly.

"Yeah, that one," Steve nods, "Laurie?"

"Sure, go for it." I smile and Steve puts the film on.


After the film, most of the team leave for their rooms and it's just Pietro and I left. Empty glasses and bowls are on the table to be cleared up either tonight or, more than likely, in the morning.

"You ok?" Pietro asks as I stare up at the ceiling."

"Yeah," I sigh, "it's just, this is my first proper birthday, but it doesn't feel right without Bucky."

"He's alive though, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is. I don't know where though." I sigh again.

"I just," I pause, "Steve, Bucky and I, we used to spend so much time together, but now the three of us aren't all together. I know Steve is here but-"

"You miss it, don't you?" Pietro asks, "how it used to be?"

"Yeah, I guess," I fake a smile, "anyway, I'm going to head off to bed, but you can hang out in my room for a while if you want."

"Django!" I click my fingers in front of him when I realise he wasn't paying attention, "you coming?"

"Yeah." He smiles.

I head back into my room and change into my pyjamas - the usual plaid trousers and oversized grey t-shirt - and Pietro joins me after he's changed. I flop onto my bed and chuckle at the pillows that fall as I hit the fabric. Pietro finds a spot on the end of my bed and lays back.

"Did you have a good day?" He asks, turning his head towards me.

"Yeah," I smile, "thank you."

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