7 - The S.S.R., 1946

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"Good morning, Carter." I say with a smile as she walk into the office.

"Good morning to you too, Emerson," she smiles back, "you seem more cheerful than usual."

"I thought I'd try being optimistic for once, despite the bigots and really strong smell of cigars." I laugh.

"Meeting. Now." Chief Dooley says, walking past the two of us.

"Well, he's happy." I roll my eyes and follow after him.

After a brief introduction, Dooley presents a video about a new case. A case against Howard Anthony Walter Stark.

"So far, six pieces of Stark's technology have shown up either on the black market or in the hands of enemy states," Dooley informs, "he's treating the whole thing as a joke and didn't show up to the final hearings."

"They've checked all his houses and offices and found nothing," the Chief continues, "as of this moment, Howard Stark is in contempt of Congress and a fugitive from justice. Find him."

"Thompson," the Chief says, looking to a man with blond hair in a grey suit, "you're lead."

"Sir, may I," Peggy interrupts, "Mr. Emerson and I knew Howard during the war and his help was invaluable to say the least. He may be a great many things, but he is not a traitor."

"Let the professionals deal with who's worth going after, Carter." The Chief replies.

"It sounds like Carter knew a lot of guys during the war." Krzeminski jokes.

"Zip it, Krzeminski." I snap, shooting him the 'death stare.'

"What'd you say?" Sousa says to him.

"I wasn't talking to you." Krzeminski replies.

"No, you owe the lady and apology." Sousa demands.

"You standing up to her now, Sousa?" He says back before leaving the room.

"Grade A a-hole." I laugh, Peggy and Sousa both laughing too.

"Carter? Emerson?" Thompson asks walking back towards us.

"Thompson." I say.

"I'm going to be a little busy with your friend Stark, and if you don't mind, these reports need to be filled and you're really so much better at that kind of thing." He says to Carter.

"What kind of thing is that, Thompson? The alphabet? I could teach you if you want how about words starting with 'A?'" Peggy replies sarcastically. Thompson chuckles before walking off.

"Adios, auf wiedershen, aloha." He laughs, strolling through the office.

"Verpiss dich." I shout at him.


In the late afternoon, Peggy and I head over to the L&L Automat for some food.

"Who does Thompson think he is? Saying those kind of things, "I question, "I mean, I know he's at a higher level of authority but still."

"His ego is too big for him. His head will explode one day I think." Peggy chuckles.

"Everything alright, English?" the waitress says to Peggy, "and unfamiliar friend."

"Angie this is Agent Laurie Emerson, Laurie this is Angie."

"Nice to meet you." I say as she smiles.

"Tough day at the office?" Angie asks.

"You could say that." Peggy laughs softly.

"How about you mystery man?" Angie says turning to me.

"Dealing with five-year-olds in the workplace." I say as the three of us laugh.

"I'll be back," Angie sighs as a man in the joint heckles at her, "can't leave my post for too long."

"She seems... nice." I say, Peggy laughing after. The two of us go over to the counter to get something to eat before returning to the table.

"Hey, what's that?" I point to the napkin that had been written on.

"It says 'meet in the alley in five minutes.'" Peggy reads out.

"Right, because that's not at all threatening." I chuckle.

"Come on." She says. I follow her out the back door of the Automat and into an alley.

"Miss Carter?" A familiar voice says from within the shadows.

"Do we know you?" She questions as the man steps into the light.

"Mr. Emerson, yes. Miss Carter, not yet." He says.

"You're coming with me." He says again as a car starts up further down the path. Before he could say anything else, Peggy landed a punch on his left cheek.

"Jesus, Peggy!" I shout, grabbing her so she doesn't beat him up, "he's a friend of mine."

"Mr. Edwin Jarvis," I say, "I am so sorry."

"Nope, I'm ok." He groans as I help him up. The car pulls over in front of us, Peggy steps back in caution."

"I know, I should've called first." Howard says, opening the car door.

"Oh, for goodness sake, Howard," I laugh, "could you be any more suspicious?"

"Did you miss me?" He smirks.

"No, actually," I reply sarcastically.

"You know you're a fugitive?" Peggy says.

"Yeah, I know," Stark smiles, "just get in the car."

"It's good to see you again, Jarvis." I say, getting in the front of the car, Howard and Peggy behind me.

"It's good to see you too, Mr. Emerson." He smiles.

"Did you get up to anything interesting these last few months?" I ask.

"Nothing much- oh, my wife and I went to London for a week or so."

"Your 'wife!'" I say, "I didn't know you were married."

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Mr. Emerson." Jarvis smirks.

"That's not creepy at all." I laugh.

We pull into a dark looking dock, and the four of us get out the car. Jarvis goes round to the trunk, takes out Stark's case and we walk down his boat.

"I have to go overseas to find one of my projects." Stark informs as he gets on the boat.

"What is it?" Peggy asks.

"A piece of paper."

"Really Howard?" I laugh.

"It's the formula for the nitramine."

"Oh, fair enough."

"Hey, I thought you don't like the water." I mention.

"I'm on a boat Marty."

"Yeah, but I could easily kick you into the water."

"I'm not even sure if it works," Stark says to change the subject, "but I invented it so it probably does." Howard gets off the boat and hugs Peggy and I before getting back onto it and leaving.

"Well," I say, "this'll be fun."

"Call any time before 9:00." Jarvis says to Peggy as I join them by the car.

"What happens at 9:00?" Peggy asks.

"My wife and I go to bed," Jarvis answers, rather surprised, "7:00, sherry. 8:00 Benny Goodman. 9:00 bed."

The three of us get back in the car (Jarvis in the front, Peggy and I in the back) and head back into town.

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