20 - The Battle of Sokovia

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On their way to Oslo the next day (though slightly out of their way), Nat, Steve and Clint drop me off in Sokovia to search for the twins. I head back into my old apartment and grab the gun I keep under my bed before heading back out onto the streets. I look around for Wanda and Pietro but fail to find them anywhere. Instead of calling the team, I decide to stay in my second hometown for comfort, and wait for the team to find me.

I change out of my suit and clean off the stains, making sure to clean my weapons too. I switch the suit out for a shirt and sweater and casual trousers.

The city is still a bit of a mess, but they're surviving. I choose to keep my distance and stay in my apartment for a little while before heading back outside.

"Excuse me?" a man with a German accent says from behind me as I'm walking down the road, "have you got a minute?"

"Yes, can I help you?" I turn around to see a brown-haired man, roughly of my height standing in front of me.

"My family and I need help with some damage," he says, "I was wondering if you could give us a hand?"

"Sure," I say as he leads me down the road, "I didn't catch your name by the way."

"My name is Zemo," he says, "and you are?"

"Laurie." I smile.

When we get to his house, I pick up a bunch of rubble and toss it out of that way, pulling some furniture out with it.

An hour or so after, I finish up and Zemo walks back into town with me.

"Thank you, Laurie." He smiles.

"Hey, no problem," I say, "how long have you been here?"

"Since my son was born," he answers, "and you?"

"Uh, about a year or so, I left for Manhattan a few months ago though."

"How come you're back here?"

"Needed a break from the city, I guess."

"Where were you before here?"

"Brooklyn, NYC," I sigh, "had been since I was born."

"You're very British for someone who has lived in Brooklyn his entire life."

"British parents, American friends." I laugh.


A day or so later, I get a call from Steve telling me to meet the team in the town area of Sokovia with my suit and weapons. I follow his command but I wait in my apartment until he gets here, just to avoid suspicion.

"Hey," I jog down to him, "what's going on?"

"We need to evacuate the city before Ultron gets here." Steve says.

"Long time no see, English." Pietro smirks.

"Nice to see you too, Speedy Gonzalez." I smile.

"A nickname?" He questions.

"Because two can play at that game." I smirk and run off to help Natasha.

"Laurie! Duck!" Nat yells as Ultron's bots fly overhead. I skid behind one of the cars and take cover, removing my gun from the holster on my back.

"I really need a better weapon." I sigh.

"We've got to get the people out of here before it's too late!" Nat yells from beside me.

"Ok, I know there's robots flying and there's a lot of screaming, but do you really need to be that loud when you're standing right next to me?" I say sarcastically.

"Shut up and fight." Nat rolls her eyes and leaves me by the car.

"Oh, shit," I panic as the ground begins to thunder, shake and crack, "guys, what's happening?"

"Sokovia's going for a ride." Tony repeats Friday over coms.

I rush through the town, helping Steve and Thor catch those who are stuck on the ledges, at the same time as trying to keep the bots away.

"Laurie!" Steve yells, "get those people out of the car!"

"On it!" I shout back, throwing the car door open, "come on, come on, it's ok, you're ok." I grab the driver's hand and help her out the vehicle.

"Are you ok?" I ask as she shakily nods and tries to catch her breath before I lead her off the bridge.

Steve and I then meet up with Natasha and Pietro at the edge of the town that is now floating. In one direction, an endless run of peaceful clouds, gradually getting further and further away but too slowly to realise. In the other direction, a seemingly endless fight against a malfunctioned computer program, and a town full of terrified innocents, being saved by a group of outcasts.

"There's worse ways to go." Nat says.

"That's cheerful." I sigh and chuckle softly.

"Where else am I going to get a view like this?"

"I'm glad you like the view, Romanoff." Fury joins us over coms.

"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve says as he stands next to me, watching Shield's new helicarrier come above the clouds.

"Ooh," Fury retorts, "you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"This is Shield?" Pietro asks.

"This is what Shield is supposed to be." Steve smiles.

"This is not so bad."

"Alright folks, let's get it loaded up." Steve commands as we split up.

"Ok, what?" I question as a purple-red man flies above me, "who or what is that?"

"Laurie, that's the Vision." Steve laughs.

"Right, makes sense." I laugh and continue to help Clint with the ships.

"They're going for the core!" Tony shouts, "Rhodey, get the rest of the people on the ships. Avengers... it's time to work for a living."

All of us join up in one place around the core as Ultron glides down to us. The entire team is beat up and worn out, but none of us are giving up.

"Is that the best you can do?!" Thor yells at Ultron, just before a huge number of bots surround their leader.

"You had to ask." Steve sighs.

"Is this what you wanted? All of you against all of me?" Ultron taunts, "how could you possibly stop me?"

"Like the old man said," Tony turns to Steve, "together."

Suddenly, the bots come rushing towards us and we all take them down one by one. Pietro speeding around us, Wanda tearing them apart with her powers, Thor using his lightning, Hulk smashing them to pieces, Thor teaming up with Vision, while Nat, Steve, Clint and I use our fists and brute force.

As the town begins to raise, we flee to the ships, helping anyone on the way. Clint, Pietro and I slide onto one of them, but notice there's a boy stuck in one of the basements entrances.

"I got him!" Clint rushes towards him. Simultaneously, Ultron glides overhead, raining down thousands of rounds of bullets.

"Pietro!" I yell as he speeds out to Clint.

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