11 - Belarus

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"Laurie, what's going on?" Peggy asks as she enters the office.

"Sasha Demidov's typewriter turned itself on."

"What did the message say?"

"It's in code. We got a cryptographer trying to crack it, but he's terrible at his job." I laugh.

"It's not a German cipher, Arnold," I say to one of the Agents as I enter the conference room, "the Turing method won't work."

"It's a one-time pad system." Carter says.

"You think I didn't try pad immediately?" The cryptographer answers.

"Was the original code in Russian?" Peggy asks.

"Can you read it?" Dooley questions.

"They're map coordinates." I say.

"53 degrees, 72 minutes North, 27 degrees, 37 minutes West," Peggy adds, "purchase confirmed, exchange at 0800, April 27th."

"That's less that two days from now." Thompson says.

"Coordinates are in the Mar'ina Horka Forest in Belarus." Sousa informs.

"Leviathan," Peggy continues, "to acquire prototype havoc reactor."

"Leviathan?" I question.

"Old Testament sea monster as far as I know." Sousa sighs.

"No, I know who they are," I say, "it's a covert Russian organisation. As rumours had it, they wanted to purchase weapons to fight the allies after the war."

"Payment of $100,000 upon delivery, payable to," Peggy sighs, "Howard Stark."

"Hot damn!" Thompson cebreates, "we've got Stark red-handed selling weapons to the Russians."

"Take a team to Belarus-"

"Sir, if I may," I say interrupting the Chief, "but I know the perfect team fr this mission."

"Go on." Dooley says.

"The Howling Commandos of the 107th Infantry, Sir," I continue, "both Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes fought alongside them in the war, they are more than capable for this mission."

"Alright, you get them ready and go to Belarus. Thompson you too."

"Yes, Sir," I say, "oh, and Carter's coming."

"Emerson, I don't think-"

"She's coming."

"Fine. Gear up, you leave in an hour."


"Relax, you'll sprain something." I say to Thompson while we're on the flight over.

"It's just as you remember it." Peggy reassures him.

"Are you a mind reader, or is that just your woman's intuition speaking?" Thompson questions.

"This is your first jump, isn't it?" I ask.

"Ninth," Thompson sighs, "eight training jumps."

"You've infiltrated hostile territory before, you'll be fine," Carter says, "just follow our lead."

"Alright, boys, let's go!" Peggy shouts, "it's go time!"

Peggy, Thompson and I, along with two other Agents, jump out of the plane and land on the outskirts of the forest. After collecting up the parachutes, we continue our mission.

"Never saw Thompson so scared." I whisper to Peggy.

As we do continue, we hear guns click from behind the bushes, making the five of us be on our guard.

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