28 - Home

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"Give me some feedback," Tony says to Rhodey as I walk into the room, "anything you think of."

"Shock absorption, lateral movement, a cup holder?" I suggest.

"You might want to think about some AC-" Rhodey begins before he tumbles to the ground, "don't help me up."

"You alright?" I ask when Rhodes stands himself up and he nods.

"Are you Tony... Stank?" A FedEx driver asks through the window and the three of us burst into laughter.

"Yes, this is Tony Stank, you're in the right place!" Rhodey replies, "never dropping that by the way."

"Table for one! Mr Stank!" He continues, walking off and leaving Tony and I laughing.

Tony goes to take his package and I head off upstairs to find Vision.

"Hey, Vis," I greet, "you alright?"

"Well, I'm a synthezoid so... I don't feel anything anyway." He sighs.

"What are you doing about Rogers and Barnes?" Vision asks.

"I don't know," I pause, "I thought I could trust Steve, but... now I don't know. If I'm not in contact with Steve then I automatically lose contact with Bucky. I don't even know where they are right now."

"Do you wish you knew?"

"Honestly, no. I was friends with Howard so I don't know why Steve kept this from me, or from Tony."

"Maybe he wanted to protect you?"

"I guess so. I'm still not used to that. I spent so much of my life before Hydra protecting Steve, and I guess it hasn't occurred to me that I don't need to do that anymore."

"It's nice to see you back in your usual formal suits rather than your fighting suit though." Vision smiles.

"Thank you." I nod and head off to my room.

I put 'Vienna' by Billy Joel on my record player, then flop onto my bed, the pillows falling from their usual position. Sighing heavily, I close my eyes and think of times I spent with Bucky and Steve in the 40s. The last week or so was the first time the three of us had been together since 1945, and now we're split up again. Who knows if we'd reunite for good or if that really was the last time we'd see each other.

"Slow you're doing fine. You can't be everything you want to be before your time." I sing to myself, opening my eyes and staring at the ceiling.

"Billy Joel," Stark says from my door, "nice."

"You just scared the crap out of me." I laugh.

"Sorry about that." He chuckles. I sit up and shuffle along a bit before he sits next to me.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm doing better," Tony smiles, "still hurts in some places."

"What did you say to Zemo?" He questions.

"I asked him what he really wanted. He told me he worked with Hydra," I take a breath, "and he remembers me from there. But I don't remember him."

"Do you remember anything from there?"

"Only the worst parts," I sigh, "and that I raised Natasha and a younger girl called Yelena when they were in the Red Room."

"Where is Nat anyway?" I ask.

"She disappeared just before I left for Siberia," Tony sighs, "I think she's trying to find out more about her childhood so she won't be around much."

"I would do the same if I could." I get up and change to the record to Chris Stapleton's 'Traveller' album, before sitting back down.

"Do you remember anything from your childhood?" Tony asks.

"I remember all of it fortunately," I smile, "see, with Bucky, he has no memory of before the last time he got brainwashed. For me, thanks to Wanda, I remember everything. The good and bad."

"That's a good thing then?"

"Some and some," I say, "there's things I'd like to forget but I can't, and there's things I'd like to remember and can."

"Did you know my mom?" Tony asks again.

"No. She must have come into Howard's life after I got taken," I sigh, "from what I heard, she seemed like the nicest person he knew."

"She was," Tony half-smiles, "did you get along with your parents?"

"I didn't know them."

"Oh. Sorry."

"No, it's ok," I smile, "my mum died in childbirth and my dad disappeared before I was born. I was raised by Bucky's family, so he's basically my brother."

"I never had any siblings," Tony said, "it was probably for the best though. My dad was always busy so he never had time to spend."

"I grew up with a lot of people, so I can't imagine what that would be like," I chuckle, "James, Steve and I moved out when Steve turned 18 though."


"Yeah, we lived in a crappy little place for a year before Bucky went off for war, Steve became Captain America and I joined the S.S.R. Then I upgraded to the sticks with Hydra." I laugh.

"You're using your 40s slang again, Laurie, it doesn't make sense." Tony joins my laughter.

"Sorry, it's a force of habit," I sigh, "the 'sticks' is like a really shitty place in the middle of nowhere."

"Makes sense."

"How's Pepper by the way?" I ask.

"She's alright," Tony smiles, "we're taking a break at the moment as the last few years have been quite hectic."

"Oh, I'm sorry-"

"No, it's ok." He reassures.

"Oh, uh, Steve broke the guys out of the Raft by the way." Tony says after a little while.

"What?" I question, "when?"

"About an hour or so ago," he laughs, "I decided to let them go though. I realised they don't deserve to be caged up."

"Well, at least they're free," I sigh, "have you told Vision?"

"Yeah, he left about twenty minutes ago to find Wanda." He says.

"And the others?"

"They're staying with Cap. Well, Scott and Clint are going to their families and I don't know about the others."

"Did Bucky end up at the raft?"

"He left with Steve before you found me," Tony sighs, "it's fine, they'll be fine."

He smiles and stands up, leaving the room and closing the door gently behind him. I turn off my record player and lay back onto my bed, daydreaming and thinking of a day we might all be reunited with no problems.

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