33 - What Now?

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"How's Stark?" Steve asks once the team return a few days later. Everyone's changing out of their gear and planning what to do next.

"His usual self," I chuckle, "how'd space go?"

"Space wasn't great," he sighs, "the journey there was beautiful. But he didn't have the stones."

"Oh," I gasp slightly, "so, what now?"

"There's nothing we can do," Steve shakes his head in slight shame, "not for a good few years."

"I think what the team needs," he continues, "is time away from this job. It's a huge strain on everyone, not just us."

"What's everyone else doing then?" I question.

"Well, Carol, Nebula and Rocket are heading back into space, Thor's going to where the Asgardians are, Nat said she's staying here, Bruce has got a place outside the city, Rhodes is going home, Tony's going back to his cabin with Pepper when he gets better, and I'm going to camp out in Brooklyn for a few years," Steve informs, "what about you?"

"I don't know," I sigh, "the compound is the only home I have, but I don't think I can stay here after everything that's happened."

"Why don't you crash at my place for a while and we can figure it out soon?" He asks, packing the last of his gear away.

"Sure," I smile weakly, "I'm going to have to come back to stay with Nat at some point though."

"That's alright," Steve nods, "do you want to go and pack some stuff then?"

"Slowly, yeah." I laugh.

"Do you remember Christmas of '38?" I ask before I go.

"When Bucky got into a snowball fight with the- was it the Roberts boys?" Steve chuckles.

"Yeah." I say.

"Yeah, I do," he smiles, "why?"

"That's one of my core memories," I state, "something I think about... a lot. If I'm having a bad day, or if I'm just staring at the ceiling. It feels kind of like home, even though we can't actually go there."


"I don't know," I sigh, "it's been two, three days since everything happened. I know our group has split many times before but..."

"This time it feels worse?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"It's going to be alright," he sits on the floor next to me, "I don't know when or how, but it'll be alright."

"I really thought that you, Bucky and I would stick together back in 2016, but I guess I was wrong." I shake my head slightly.

"This job brings unexpected things, Laurie," Steve sighs, "but you get used to it."

"I thought I would be by now." I state.

"Me too," he comments, "and I've been doing this for six years now."

"Six?" I question in a slightly surprised tone.

"Yeah," he chuckles, "anyway, go get your things ready."

"Alright." I nod.

I head into my room for the last time, well, the last time for a few years anyway, and start packing up my things. Mostly all my clothes and a couple other things to start with, then everything else.

"This is it then?" Nat sighs from the door.

"Natalia," I sigh solemnly, standing in front of her, "I'll be back soon. I promise. I just need time away from the compound and this job. Have you got a place?"

"No," she shakes her head, "but someone's gotta stay here to do our job-"

"Natalia, don't do this. If you don't want to stay here then don't stay here. You don't have to stick around for everyone if no one's going to be here."

"It's not that simple-"

"It is, Nat," I sigh, "look... we're all struggling at the moment, alright? But that doesn't mean you have to keep doing this job. Take some time off, even if it's just a month. Just take some time to breathe, ok?"

"Alright," Nat hesitates, nodding and sighing heavily, "but if no one else is staying, then who will-"

"Nat," I laugh, "Nat, listen. It's going to be ok. Everything is going to be ok. I don't know how long it will take, no one does. But if or when you need me, I'll come back. I promise."

"Ok," she gulps, "ok."

"Come here." I say softly and pull her into a hug. She buries her head in the crook of my neck and cries softly.

"Hey, don't cry," I say while hugging her, "it's ok. You're ok."

"Tony's staying here for a few more days," I inform as Nat stands in front of me again, "so, at least you won't be alone."

"I have to go soon though." I sigh. She nods shyly and continues to stand in the doorway as I finish packing up my things.

"Laurie, you ready?" Steve asks as he walks in.

"Yeah," I nod, "I'm going to talk to Tony first, but I'll be out in a minute."

"Alright." He nods and takes my things. Nat follows him to the car while I head back to where Tony is.

There's a sorrowful vibe throughout the compound. Most people have left already, so there's only five or six people here.

"Hey, Genius." I smile, walking over to him.

"I feel like that's slightly insulting." Tony laughs.

"I'm sorry. That wasn't supposed to sound sarcastic," I chuckle, "how are you feeling?"

"A little better," he admits, "I'm probably stuck here for a couple days though."

"Nat said she's going to stay for a few days then find a place elsewhere for a while." I say.

"You can visit the cabin soon if you want." Tony smiles.

"I probably will," I nod, "I'm just going to stay in Brooklyn for a while, and try to have some familiarity. Play it out as best as I can."

"Good luck then." He smiles again.

"You too." I chuckle and wander out to the cars where Nat and Steve are.

The two of them are chatting, both looking upset. They hug as I approach them, then Nat hugs me quickly after.

"Have fun in Brooklyn." She smiles, still a little sad.

"I'll be ok, Natalia." I reassure.

"I know," she nods, "just stay safe. Please."

"We will." Steve nods.

"See you soon." I say softly, hugging Nat again quickly then getting in the car.

"You ready?" Steve asks as he shuts the door and puts his seatbelt on.

"Never, but... sure." I chuckle before we go back to Brooklyn.

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