36 - Time Travel?

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"Scott?" Steve asks as Lang paces back and forth in front of us, "are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he nods, "I'm fine."

"Have any of you ever studies Quantum Physics?" Scott asks.

"Briefly," I say, "a few years ago."

"Five years ago, right before... Thanos," Scott stutters, "I was in a place called the Quantum Realm."

"The microscopic universe that you have to be incredibly small to get to?" I ask.

"How do you-"

"I get bored, ok?" I cut Steve off.

"Yeah," Scott replies, "Hope was supposed to get me out. But then Thanos happened and I got stuck there."

"I'm sorry," Nat says, "that must have been a very long five years."

"That's the thing. It wasn't." He answers, a confused look on both Steve and Nat's faces.

"Time passes differently in the Quantum Realm," I say, "like an hour in the Quantum Realm is a year on earth."

"Exactly. But what if there was a way to navigate it?" Scott questions, "like if we enter at one point and exit at another?"

"What like before Thanos?" I ask.

"Yeah." Scott nods.

"Are you talking about a time machine?" Steve questions.

"No, no, not a time machine. It's more like," Lang pauses, "yeah, a time machine."

"I know it sounds crazy, but I can't stop thinking about it," he continues, "there's got to be some wa- it's crazy."

"Scott," Nat stops him, "I get e-mails from a raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy."

"So, what are we going to do?" Scott questions.

"We can find Tony?" I suggest.


The four of us arrive at Tony's cabin an hour or so later, and he's wandering around outside with a girl who appears to be his daughter. As we get out the car and approach him, he sends the girl inside and sits on the bench on the porch.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hi," Tony replies, "what are you doing here?"


"I figured out a way we could possibly get everyone back." Scott cuts me off then continues explaining what he told us.

"Tony," Steve says, "after everything you've seen, is this possible?"

"Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck Scale," Tony starts, "which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition."

Everyone looks at Tony, puzzled by what he just said.

"In more simple terms," he sighs, "it means you're not coming home."

"But I did." Scott points out.

"No, you survived a billion to one cosmic fluke," Tony replies, "and now you want to pull off a what?"

"A time heist." Scott states.

"Right." Tony nods.

"If we got back and get the stones," Nat begins, "we can snap our own fingers and bring everybody back."

"Or make it worse." Stark says.

"I don't think we will." Steve comments with a little pride.

"I've missed that giddy optimism," Tony chuckles, "but high hopes won't get you far if there's no logical way to do this."

"Is Pepper around?" I ask quickly.

"Yeah, she's inside." Tony smiles.

I walk inside to avoid an argument between Tony and Scott. On my way to find Pepper, I contemplate if this 'time heist' would actually be possible, before I get interrupted by the girl Tony was with earlier.

"Hey, kiddo," I say to her, "where's your mum?"

"This way." She replies, running into the living room and over to Pepper.

"Hey, Pepper," I smile, walking over to her, "who's this?"

"This is Morgan," Pepper smiles back, "Morgan H Stark."

"You had a kid?" I question.

"Yeah," she smiles, "Morgan, this is Uncle Marty."

"Uncle Marty?" Morgan asks.

"Uncle Marty?" I question.

"Tony insisted she called you that after everything you've been through with him and Howard." Pepper says.

"That's... adorable," I chuckle slightly, "how have you been getting on?"

"We've been pretty good," Pepper smiles, "it's much calmer here than the city."

"I bet." I chuckle.

"Hey, Emerson!" Tony shouts from down the hall.

"I'll be back in a bit," I say to Pepper and Morgan, then follow Tony into his lab, "what's going on?"

"The others left but they said to at least talk things over with you." He states.

"Because I'm smart or because I worked with your dad?" I chuckle.


Stark and I work in his lab for a few hours, attempting to see if the whole 'time travel' ordeal is possible.

"Run it again." I say when the model didn't render.

"It's impossible, Marty-"

"Anthony Edward Stark, listen to me!" I say in a slightly raised voice, "sorry. Look, we're both getting frustrated over this, but the more we try, the more we learn, the easier it will get, the less impossible it will become."

"So, run it again." I say.

"Alright," Tony sighs, "mobius strip, inverted?"

"Processing..." Friday's system informs.

"With the eigenvalue," I add, "particle factoring, spectral decomp."

"Just a moment." Friday informs again.

"Don't worry if it doesn't work. We're just kinda-"

"Model rendered." Friday cuts Tony off.

The two of us stand there in shock as the render comes back as 99.987% successful. Tony falls back into his chair as I stand there speechless.

"Shit." Tony exclaims.

"Shit." I whisper.

"Shit." A younger voice comes from behind him, causing both Tony and I to quickly turn our heads that way.

"What are you doing up, little mess?" Tony asks Morgan who is giggling at the bottom of the stairs.

"Shit." She repeats, Tony shaking his head as I snigger.

"No, we don't say that," he says to his daughter, "only Mommy says that word. She coined it."

"Why are you up with Uncle Marty?" Morgan asks.

"Because we've got some important shit going on." I say.

"Don't you start." Tony laughs.

"Let's get you back to bed," he says to Morgan, "there's a spare room upstairs for you, Marty."

"Thanks." I smile as Tony picks up Morgan and walks back upstairs with her. I remain in the lab, spinning the visual of the rendered model around slowly. I grin softly and chuckle, realising what Tony and I had just accomplished.

I head up to the spare room around ten minutes later, but I don't sleep much. I lay there thinking about what could happen in the 0.013% that it wasn't possible. My eyes close gradually and I fall asleep not long after. 

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