seven O.o

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We finished dinner and spaghetti probably wasn't the smartest dinner to eat with a 3 year old "Let's go take a bath Gray" I say, picking him up from his chair, and taking him to my bathroom

I started the bath, and shortly after that I realized his bag was downstairs with all of his clothes "Karl!" I yelled

A few second later he walked in "yeah" "will you grab Grayson's bag from downstairs please? I need his clothes" "yeah of course" and he left

Nick and Clay walked in, and sat on my bed without a word, and I didn't question it because Karl walked in and handed me the bag "thank you" Then he sat on my bed with the others

I began washing Grays short hair and saw all five boys sitting on my bed, looking at me, and I laughed "What are you guys doing?"
"Nothing" they all answered

Alex's Pov:
We all sat on Blakely's bed just looking at her. She was so gentle with Grayson, and was talking to him, making him giggle, it was the sweetest thing I've ever seen

"Do you think we'll ever have a kid" George blurted out and we all looked at him "I mean, think about it. A little baby boy or girl running around the house. That would be so cute"

"I don't know George. I mean, we've always talked about that, but we just got with Blake recently, I don't think she would want that yet" Nick spoke up "Yeah that's true"

"Look at the way she takes care of him though. The way she smiles at him, and makes him laugh" Karl says, smiling at him "Yeah, she would be a good mom"

Blakely's Pov:
I grabbed a towel, and helped Grayson out of the bath, and got him dressed. I put him on the counter and brushed through his hair, and he giggled when I would brush it into his face.

Eventually we went back into my room, and Grayson reached up at me, wanting me to pick him up, so I picked him up and he immediately put his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. He fell asleep quickly, and I laid him down on my bed, moving the hair out of his face, and I kissed his cheek.

I walked downstairs and started cleaning the kitchen

I felt arms wrap around my waist, and  a head go on top of mine, I knew it was either Clay or Karl because the other boys would put their heads on my shoulder, but I knew who it was when I heard their voice "Hey princess" I smiled. Clay and his nicknames "Hey handsome" I replied, finishing wiping the counters, and turned around in his hold, and he pressed his lips to mine, and I melted into it.

It was more aggressive, at least more aggressive than he would usually kiss me. His hands went down to my waist, pulling me into him, and my hands went to his hair, he bit my lip slightly, which gave me the hint that he wanted inside, and his tongue made it's way into my mouth. He began kissing down my neck, and I held in the noises that felt like escaping .

"Wow, how rude."

Oh yeah. I forgot about them

I pulled away, and went back to cleaning. I began doing the dishes "I feel betrayed" George spoke "suck it" Clay said, grinning "You wish" George spat back, causing laughs from everyone, but Clay. "Oh don't be a baby, little Clay" Nick said. "Why don't you meet me in the bedroom and we'll see who the baby really is" Clay said, shutting Nick up

I felt akward because I knew all the boys were sitting on the stools of the island, looking at me. When I finished I looked at them "staring is rude"

"I don't care" Nick said "You left us out" He pouted

I went to the living room, and grabbed the remote, scrolling through shows on Netflix. I felt someone sit next to me "I didn't get to finish yet, princess" My cheeks heated up quickly, but I tried not feeding into it, and continued scrolling, eventually getting bored and just clicking on Grey's Anatomy. I stared at the tv, knowing Clays eyes were on me, but I continued giving him no reaction

He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him "Don't ignore me pretty girl" I just looked at him, controlling my facial expressions, not giving him the glory of flustering me

"Can you guys stop fucking" Nick said, sitting on one of the other couches. Thank God. This caught Clay off guard, giving me the chance to stand up and sit next to Nick instead "Hey gorgeous" "Hey baby" I could tell Clay was jealous, but he tried not to let it show

~~~~~time skip~~~~~
I ended up back next to Clay, all the boys were chilling on the other 2 couches. I felt clays hand move around my waist, and slightly under my waist band. I just stared at the tv, not giving him any satisfaction. That was until his hand made it's  way further down my leggings, and I looked at him "You horny fuck" this got a the other boys attention, and moved his hand "Damn Clay, you made her cuss, thats rare" Karl spoke.
I looked down at Clays pants "try to keep that bulge if your in your pants for the rest of the night, yeah?" I said, standing up and leaving to my room

Clay's Pov:
I'm gonna be honest. Even though the boys were laughing at me. That was hella hot. I took out my phone and clicked to a doc that me and the boys shared, to log how many times we could make Blake swear monthly. Nick being in the lead.

"Are you really that horny right now Clay, Jesus fuck." Alex said, looking from my pants, and back at me "you're just jealous because you're not the one that got me horny" I said, doing a little pouty face. He just rolled his eyes "I have Karl and Nick for that"

~~~~~time skip~~~~~
"Blakey.. Blakeyyy" I woke up and see Grayson looking at me, when he realized I was awake, he smiled "Hey buddy, are you hungry?" I looked at the clock that read 8:47am "yeah" He got off the bed and ran downstairs, I quickly brushed through my hair, and wasn't far behind him. I was currently wearing leggings, and Alex's hoodie

I made my way into the kitchen, and put Grayson on the counter "waffles or pancakes?"

So that's what we did, we also made eggs and bacon, and the bacon must've had a strong scent considering 3 out of the five boys ended up downstairs "Where's Karl and George?"
"Karl was editing all night, he'll probably be asleep for a few more hours"
"And George?"
"Oh George won't be able to walk for a few hours" Clay said, rubbing the back of his neck "you asshole" I said, as I went upstairs into George's room, and saw him laying the bed "Do you need some help, George?" He looked up at me, and nodded desperately. I grabbed his hand,and helped him walk downstairs, and we all ate

Grayson was playing with the other boys, so I went up to Karls room. He was still asleep. God he's cute. I slid in bed next to him, and ran my hands through his hair. After around 20 minutes of this, I felt him moving around, and his eyes fluttered open, and he smiled at me, and put his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. "Good morning bubs"
"Morning" he mumbled "I made food, are you hungry?" He just nodded so we went downstairs, and chatted while we ate

After he ate, we went to the living room, and Grayson seemed to be running from Alex. I just laughed, and sat next to George, leaning into him

God, I love these boys

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