fourteen :C

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He was pale. He was blank. I've never seen him like this before. Ever.

I swung around to get my sister out of the room before she saw him, but when I looked at her, she looks terrified "oh my god.."
"Get her out of here" I told the boys "Now!" Nick was first to look at Nina
"Okay Nina, how about we just go downstairs until your sister can get things situated, yeah?"

She started slowly walking forward "Nina, no. You're not coming in here. You need to go downstairs so I can take care of Luke"
"No!" She tried pushing passed me, but I didn't let her
"Do you want him to die Nina!"
She looked at me like I was crazy
"I don't think so. Nina, I love you, but you need to get out"

Karl managed to get Nina, out of the room "Clay. I need you to help me get him out of here, please. I can't lose my brother. Please." I started crying. Clay quickly made his way over to me "Princess, how about you let us do this"
"Clay, I love you, but this is my brother, and I'm not a baby. Now please help me"

I looked at him closely, and his chest was barley rising "He's breathing, we need to hurry up"

I grabbed his upper half, while Clay grabbed his lower half, and we carried him out of the room. Alex and George were making sure we could get out. When we walked through the living room to get out of the front door, Nina was being hugged by Karl, and she was crying

We got him into the back row, on mine and Clays lap, and Nina walked up, and looked at me "Please let me go with. I can't stay here alone knowing that my brother is dying" I was hesitant because of her anxiety, but she needs to be with us.

We all got in the car and George started driving to the hospital.

"Please Luke..." I was moving his hair out of his face, and got all of the knots out of his hair. Clay grabbed my hand and squeezed it "We're gonna get through this"
"My brother is dying" I whispered, holding back my tears

We pulled up to the hospital, and Alex immediately ran in to get a doctor. We carried Luke out of the car, and 2 doctors ran out "What happened?" The first doctor asked
"He was locked in his room for uh.. days. And we got into his room, and he was overdosed on pills. I'm pretty sure he was attempting suicide considering our mom.. just died" I told them

They put Luke on a hospital bed "We're not gonna be able to let you go with him until we make sure everything's okay" I nodded, and they took him away. Everyone else went into the waiting room, but I stayed by the car with Clay, and just began sobbing, Clay held me against his chest

"I can't lose my brother..." I sobbed out
"You're not gonna lose your brother baby, they're gonna help him"
"He overdosed on pills Clay! He- he tried to kill himself.." He didn't say anything, he didn't really know what to say

~~~~~4 day time skip~~~~~
It's been 4 days since we took Luke to the hospital. A few hours after we got here, we were aloud to see him. He still hasn't woken up. I haven't gone a day without having a breakdown, I haven't cried infront of anyone besides Clay.

Clay makes me feel safest, he always comforts me, and makes sure I feel comfortable, and he's there when I need him.

The doctor walked in "Okay! So, we've been keeping an eye on Lucas's activity, and he will most likely wake up today, or tomorrow. He'll need to stay in the hospital for probably a week or two in order to recover, but he's gonna be okay"

I heard what he said. But I felt like I couldn't speak. I had Luke's hand In my hand, and I just looked at him. I think Nick saw this because he spoke up "Thank you so much"
"Yes, of course" and the doctor left

I was just staring at the wall, until I got a text from Aria, and I clicked on it

How are you doing babes?

I'm okay. I'm so sorry I can't be at work, considering it's my business. Tell Jesse, Brin, and Chase that I'm sorry, and I promise I'll be back as soon as all of this is under control

Don't be sorry Blake, we have everything under control. Take your time. I love you <3

I love you too

I sighed, and put my phone down. I stood up, and kissed Luke's forhead, and walked out. I need air. I haven't left since we got here. I walked outside, and saw a little garden area, so I went over to that, and sat on the bench.

I needed to think. All I've thought about is my mom, my brother and my sister. My mom is dead. My brother almost died. And my sister is going through the most she's ever gone through.

I tear rolled down my cheek, and I immediately wiped it away once I saw Clay slowly walking towards me. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me "I love you Blakely" He told me. Blakely.. Blakely? He never calls me that. It's either Blake, or a cute nickname.

He means it. He really does love me. I have the most incredible boyfriends anyone could ever have

I have them...

Hello beautiful people! How are you? Have you eaten? Have you had some water? Have you slept? I hope you have! Sorry for the few day break, idk why I didn't post, I just didn't ig. But! I love you guys, and I'll start posting more frequently! <3333

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