seventeen :•)

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I was in the laundry room sorting through laundry, putting everyone's laundry in their designated hampers, and I heard a really loud slam upstairs, causing me to flinch. I was shaking slightly, it just brought back some memories of Dean coming home, drunk, slamming things.

I started to hear yelling, and I went upstairs, and the yelling became louder. The arguing was between Nick, George and Clay from what I could hear. They were in Clays office, I opened the door, and Clay and Karl were standing. Clay and George were yelling towards  Nick who was sitting on the couch, across from Alex. Karl looked terrified.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked
"Nick almost fucking leaked my face on stream like an absolute idiot!'

This was stupid.

"Did your face get leaked?" I asked him
"No, but it almost did!" George Answered
"If your face didn't get leaked then stop freaking out on him! He obviously didn't mean to"
"Stop trying to make everything good Blake! This is a serious situation, you don't fucking understand. Get out!" George yelled
"Blakely, this isn't fucking about you!" Clay yelled, hitting his fist against his desk. Causing me to flinch

"Don't fucking yell at her!" Alex raised his voice"

I started to shake. Dean. It was all coming back. I felt like I couldn't even see Clay or George anymore. It was all Dean. I slowly backed up against the wall, and turned away, quickly going to my room.

I slammed the door, and locked it. Why. What did I do. I wasn't trying to make them mad. I messed up. Why did I get included. I should've let them handle it themselves. But Nick and Karl. Nick felt so bad and Karl looked so scared.

Karls Pov:

"She didn't do anything! Why did you yell at her!?" Nick yelled
"You know how sensitive she is when it comes to yelling, and loud noises!" I told them

As soon as Blake rushed off, they looked so guilty, but they had no reason to do that.

"You guys are fucked up. You know her. You guys are so close to her and you know how much yelling scares her!" Alex raised his voice at them
"I didn't mean to" George tried defending himself
"Well you did!"
"I'm gonna go check on her" George offered
"Out of everyone, your not one of the people she's gonna want to see right now. I'm checking on her" I said, walking out of the room

I walked up to her room, and tried opening the door, but it was locked so I knocked lightly. I was nervous. When it comes to Blakely upset, and in a room with a locked door. It scares me.

She opened the door slowly, when I saw her I was deviated. She was so shaky
"Can I come in, beautiful"
She opened the door wider, as soon as I walked in, I shut the door and hugged her
"I don't know what I did.. I was trying to help"
"You didn't do anything wrong, they were just really frustrated, and it was wrong of them to yell at you like that"

We made our way onto the bed, and I held her in my arms until I heard soft snores. I decided to let her sleep, so I went out of the room and into the living room, where I saw 4 anxious boys, they all looked up at me

"I've never seen her shake that much. Not even at the party where we met her. George, and Clay you guys fucked up. She feels like she did wrong"
"But she didn't!" Clay said
"But you made her feel like she did!"

Blakely's Pov:
As soon as Karl left the room I opened my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep, but I didn't want him to feel like he needed to stay with me

I grabbed my phone, and checked my dance schedule. No work tomorrow. Thank God

I just scrolled through my phone until the door opened, and Karl popped his head in "hi pretty"
"Hi baby"
"Nick and Alex took George and Clay out. Come out here with me"
I stood up and walked downstairs with him, into the living room

Luke and Nina are visiting our aunt's house for a few days, so they aren't home

I laid on his lap while we watched adventure time for about an hour, obviously Karls choice, and the door opened. I saw the other four boys walking in, so I got up
"Blake, don't leave, please" Karl pleaded

I gave Karl an apologetic look, and turned around, towards the stairs
"Don't do this Blake, please" George said

I looked at him "Me? Me!? None of this happened because of me. You guys decided to tell at me because I was trying to help. George, you yelled at me to get out, and Clay, you slammed your hand down like you wanted to hurt me! When you did that all I saw was Dean!" I felt tears pricking at my eyes "I was scared! I thought you were gonna hurt me! Karl looked terrified, and all I wanted to do was help, and you yelled at me!"

Alex and Nick looked at George and Clay, and they looked crushed. I think I said too much, but I'm not gonna keep all of that in

Clays eyes filled with tears "We would never hurt you Blake. You should know that"
"You slammed your desk because I was trying to help, Clay"
"But we would never hurt you"

I didn't know what to say. I just turned around and quickly went to my room

Clay's Pov:
She thought I was gonna hit her. She thought I would hurt her.

A few seconds after I heard her door shut, I grabbed George's hand, going around the corner. He was clearly on the verge of tears, but we had to figure things out
"We have to talk to her George, she can't think that she can't trust us"
He nodded, and we went up to her room, and knocked

I given y'all so many sad chapters. After this fight there will definitely be some wholesome, fun chapters!
Remember to take care of yourselves,
I luv you all <333

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