twenty :~]

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"I don't care if you have a boyfriend as long as you're not having sex. That's not really my place, but you're just... still young, just think of what mom would think, okay?"
"B, I'm not gonna have sex. I want a boyfriend, but not sex.."
"Okay, good. Just make sure your boyfriend isn't a dick"
"He's not, hes sweet"
"Okay, well, go in, goodluck!"
"Bye Blake"
"Bye B, thank you"

I just dropped the kids off at school, they've both been talking about relationships, and I don't care unless it doesn't get too sexual, they just seem too young for that, especially Luke

"I wanna go back to bed" George said
"I don't know why the hell you got that bed, Clay. Now everyone just wants to sleep on it all the time" I stated

Clay got a new bed that fits all of us and it's the best bed I've ever slept on, but nobody ever wants to leave the bed

Everyone was downstairs, so I went up to clay's room, and sat on the bed, and began scrolling through Twitter. The stream was two days ago, and the hate is worse than it was before.

As I scrolled through Twitter, it just got worse, and worse. I felt my eyes well up with tears, they began rolling down my cheeks, uncontrollably, and I just dropped my phone on my lap, rolled over, closed my eyes, and drifted to sleep, crying

Karls Pov:
"Can we go lay down, I'm tired and I wanna cuddle" I asked
"Yes! Please" George blurted out
"Okay, let's go lay down"

We all went upstairs, and Blake was already laying down, asleep. I laid next to her, running my fingers through her hair, while all the boys laid down around us, Alex laying next to her "was she crying?" Alex asked, moving the hair out of her face. This caught everyone attention "What?" Clay asked "she was crying" Alex answered
"She wasn't up here for that long, why would she be crying"
"Fuck" George said
Everyone looks at him "what?"
He had her phone in his hand and turned it around towards us
"She was looking through Twitter, specifically, the hate that was being sent towards her" he said "she scrolled so far"

We've been trying to keep her off of Twitter, and we thought she was staying off of it, but clearly not. Clay was rubbing his thumb across her cheek, clearly feeling a mixture of emotions. Mad. Guilt. Sadness. Overall he really didn't know what to think. Him and Blakely have always had a special connection the rest of us didn't have with her. He's always worrying about her

Blakey began to move around because of the movement, and loudness around her "what are you doing" She mumbled
"Are you okay, baby?" George asked
"What? Why?" She asked
"Why were you looking at the hate, Blake" Nick asked

She rolled over snuggling her head into George's chest, clearly just wanting to run away from this situation
"Princess, talk to us" Clay said
"I don't always wanna talk"
"You looked at so much, Blake. You should talk-"
"I don't always wanna fucking talk!" Blake raised her voice, standing up, and walking out
"You guys know, damn well that she hates confrontation when it comes to her feelings. You know that! And you bring it up the second she wakes up! Surrounded by five people, and you immediately try to get a reason out of her! She's going through so much shit, just give her a fucking break!" Alex yelled, leaving the room and slamming the door behind him

I saw out of the corner of my eye, Clay beginning to stand up "Clay, don't." I said "he needs to talk to her alone, don't go after him right now"

He hesitated but sat down. Alex is protective over Blake. Everyone has their own special bond with her

Alex is protective. He always makes sure she's comfortable, and has the support she needs, when she needs it. Sometimes his protectiveness can come off mean, but he's just trying to do what's best for her

Nick is protective in a different way. He makes sure Blakely is safe, and won't get hurt. His biggest fear is losing his loved ones, so he's kinda that way for everyone

George makes sure she always has someone to talk to. He kinda hides her from the world in a way. It's like he can read her feelings. He knows when she needs to hide, and he'll hug her, and bury her in his chest, and get her out of the situation. She goes to him when she needs to talk

Me (Karl) and Blake have a relationship that nobody really understands. She's like my twin. We do each others nails, hair, makeup, and it's just normal. We are like the same person, and it's kinda hard to explain

Clay probably has one of the best relationships with Blakely. He's her go-to. Clay fell for Blake first. He seems to always be by her side. He always knows when he needs to be there.

But we all love eachother equally

Blakely's Pov:
I am so tired of talking about my feelings. It's not what I want right now. I understand they love me, and they're just trying to help me, but I don't want that right now, I was just standing around my room, and I heard my door open, and looked and say Alex

He came up to me, immediately pulling me into his chest "I love you Blakeley"
"I love you too"
"We didn't mean to make you feel overwhelmed, and we're sorry"
"I'm not mad, I just got overwhelmed, and I didn't wanna be there anymore"

We chatted for a bit about the situation, and just laid in bed together, talking

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