sixteen :l

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We were in the middle of watching a movie, Clay on a couch with George and Karl. Luke on a couch with Nina, and Me on a couch with Nick and Alex

I don't spend much time with Alex and Nick, so I cherish the time I get with them even if we're just cuddling

After lots of Alex convincing George, we ended up watching the conjuring. I was fine until the mom got locked in the basement, and her stupid ass tried playing a game with the ghosts, and it clapped in her face, which made me jump, and put my face in Alexs chest "I've got you amor"

The movie ended, and everyone was probably deaf from the amount of times George screeched
"Never again" is the first thing he said as the credits began rolling. I went to the kitchen to get some water, and Luke walked in with Nina trailing behind him
"I'm going to bed" Luke said, mid yawn
"Me too" Nina said a few second after
"Okay, goodnight I love you both"
"I love you, good night"
"Love you"
And they disappeared upstairs

I went back to the living room between Alex and Nick again. George was laying on Clays chest, with Karl spooning him from behind, and I had my head on Alex shoulder, with Nick's arms snaked around my waist

"Who's streaming tomorrow?" I asked
"Karls doing an alt stream I believe"
"Correct" Karl replied to Alex
"But me, and Alex will be on it" Nick told me. I just nodded, too tired to respond

I checked my phone to look at our bed sleeping schedule to see who I'm sleeping with tonight.

Clay and Alex

I was hoping for that. Clay is really comforting for me, and Alex is crazy on camera, but off camera he is really cuddly, and nice to sleep with. After a few minutes of silence Nick spoke up
I was first to answer "you're with George and Karl tonight"
"Thank you baby" He said, kissing my lips

We just made small talk for about 20 minutes until my eyelids started getting heavy, Clay must have caught on because he stood up, and walked over to me "Let's go to bed princess"
I nodded, and stood up "Alex? Are you gonna come up right now, or later?" I asked him "I'll be up there in a minute" I nodded, and kissed Nick "I love you"
"I love you too"

I went over and kissed George and Karl and we exchanged good nights and I love you's, and Clay and I headed upstairs to his room

We brushed our teeth, and I ended up in Karls hoodie, and Clays sweats. Alex walked in, and brushed his teeth, and slid into bed next to me. I fell asleep to the sounds of my boyfriend's talking about future streams

~~~~~the next day~~~~~
I was just leaving dance. Today was short, just 10am to 12pm. I got into my car and checked my phone, seeing that Karl was live as I expected, but I realized George and Clay ended up joining as well, I was hoping to be able to see them when I got home

I walked inside, and I of course heard laughing, and talking upstairs. Nina and Luke Are at school, so I just laid on the couch, and watched some Riverdale.

About an hour later, I heard a door shut upstairs, and heard footsteps coming down, I waited to see who it was, and it was Karl,  his face lit up when he saw me "Hi beautiful!" I couldn't help but smile at the nickname. He walked over to me, I sat up, and he sat down where my head was, then I put my head back down on his lap

He ran his fingers through my hair "how was work?"
"Pretty good, I got to teach my competition team, they're the best ones at the studio, and I know them the best, so I like teaching them"
"That's good" he said, kissing my forehead

We didn't say anything for a few minutes until I had a question "where are the other four?"
"George started streaming, so I raided him, but I didn't wanna join. The rest of them did though"
"What did you guys play?"
"We played a little bit of gang beast, and played on the smp a bit, they're playing fall guys right now"

We chatted for over an hour, me and Karl can talk about anything. Our conversations are never boring, and we are very similar. We chatted until I realized what time it was "I gotta go get Luke and Nina from school, wanna come"
"Of course. Let me go change really quick"

While he went to go change, I went to Clays room, I knocked lightly, he muted and and said I could come in "Hey handsome"
"Oh! Hi baby"
"Me and Karl are gonna go get Luke and Nina. I just wanted to let you know"
"Okay, I love you!"
I walked over to him and kissed him quickly "I love you too"

When I walked back downstairs Karl was waiting by the door with his phone, and he looked up at me "ready?"

We drove up to their school, and all the kids were exiting, and it didn't take me long to spot my siblings. Luke saw us, and tapped Nina's shoulder, and they both ran to the car, and got in
"How was school?"
"Good!" Luke answered
"I have SO MUCH homework" Nina said, pulling her phone out of her pocket

We pulled into the garage, and we all got out of the car. We all got into the house, all the boys were sitting on bar stools, and Nina and Luke walked into the kitchen, Nina grabbed a granola bar, a fruit snack, and a glass of lemonade, and Luke grabbed some goldfish, and kool-aid.

"You both should go work on some homework, what do you want for dinner?"
"Can we have some type of pasta?" Nina suggested
"Yeah, I'll do pasta as a side, and maybe some type of meat?"
"Okay! You guys go work on homework, ask for help if you need it"
And they both went upstairs

I wasn't gonna start dinner yet, because it was only four, so I sat next to the rest of the boys on the bar stools "Blake, you're doing so good"
"What?" I asked, confused as to what Nick meant
"You took over the responsibility of a 15 year old, and a 13 year old, and you're handling it incredibly"

I just smiled, and kissed his cheek. I was really scared to take over as their guardian because that just... A lot considering they're a freshman, and a junior. Hormones. Attitude. Asshole. But they're my brother and sister, and I would never trade them for the world

About an hour passed of us just talking, when I stood up, and went to the pantry, grabbing noodles, Alfredo sauce, and the going to the freezer and grabbing some chicken. Clay walked over to me "Considering we're the only ones that can cook, I'll help you" he said, grabbing the chicken from me.

Me and Clay managed to get dinner done in about 30 minutes. We called Luke and Nina down, and we all started eating
"Did you guys get any work done?" I asked them
"I did some science and Social Studies homework" Luke answered
"I did a few math things, and Science as well" Nina answered after him, and I nodded

We finished up dinner, and Luke went back upstairs to work on more homework, and Nina went to the living room "Ni, me and the boys are gonna go up to my room to chill for a bit"
"Alright, and please control your horniness, I don't wanna hear any of that shit"
"Nina! What the hell-"
I heard all the boys giggling behind me "okay, whatever." I said and I walked up the stairs, the boys trailing behind me.

We walked into my room, and I collapsed onto the bed, and started scrolling through my phone. All the boys were chatting back and forth, and I was just looking through social media when I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, and hunched over slightly, putting my hand on my stomach, before standing up
"You okay, love?" Karl asked me, sounding concerned
"Mhm" is all I said, as I walked into the bathroom

Great. We love that time of the month.

I grabbed a tampon from the cabinet, and did what I needed to do, took some Tylenol, and walked back out. I sat where I was sitting before, and George laid next to me, whispering "that time of the month again" I nodded, and look at him with a frown

He stood up, and went to my closet, grabbing the heating pad, plugged it in and put the setting at the lowest setting, not wanting it to be too hot.
"George. Low does nothing" I said, putting it at the highest setting
"You're gonna burn!" Alex said over my shoulder "you don't understand." I said, laying the heating pad on my stomach
"I guess Nina won't be hearing any of that for at least a week"

Ello, Ello, Ello! How are you my beloveds! I hope you're all doing well, I'm gonna try and start posting daily, IM NOT GONNA PROMISE THAT JUST INCASE THINGS COME UP. but that's what I wanna try and start doing. Take care of yourselves. Mwah! <3333

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