twenty nine :v

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TW: Vomit, sickness

So, the boys went to a party last night, and someone at the party must've been sick, because Clay, George, Karl AND Alex got sick. How fun. I don't know how the hell Nick didn't get sick, but he didn't, thankfully.

I didn't go to the party because I don't like parties that much. Especially after what happened with Dean. There's also just so much alcohol, and I don't need that right now.

"Don't go to our main bedroom, okay? I don't need 2 more sick people" I told Nina and Luke, as I made a pot of soup on the stove
"I won't"
"Okay" they answered back, and went off to their rooms

I got out four bowls, putting an equal amount of soup in each of them
"Nick, cane you come here please!" I called him from the bedroom

He walked out of the bedroom, and came downstairs "yeah?"
"Can you help me bring these to them? Are they even awake?"
"Karl and Alex are awake, they feel like shit. Karl has the highest temperature out of all of them" He said, grabbing two bowl, me grabbing the other two

We walked into the room, quietly
"Hi babies"
"Hi amor" Alex said, his voice raspy

Karl didn't say anything, he was laying with his head under his blanket
I gave Alex his soup, and he thanked me. I went over to Karl, and moved the blanket from his head "Karl..?"
He looked up at me, and he looked defeated "You need to eat, love"
"I feel like I'm dying" he said, his voice almost gone
"I know, baby, I know. But you're not gonna feel any better if you don't eat"

He sighed and sat up, and I gave him his soup

"Clay.. Clay, wake up, baby" I said, trying to wake up Clay, while Nick was  waking up George
"Whyyyy?" He mumbled
"You need to eat, love. I know it hurts, but you're not gonna get any better without food"

It took a lot of convincing, but he finally decided to get up. They all ate their soup, and I took their bowls, and went to the kitchen to clean them

Nick walked in, and hugged me from behind
"I just ordered medicine for them, I gotta go pick it up, are you gonna be okay with them" He asked
I nodded
"If you can't handle all of this, just tell me, baby" He said
"No, it's okay. Just, please don't be long"
"I'll be as quick as I can" He said, giving me a long kiss on my lips
"Don't speed" I said, pointing at him

He chuckled "I won't. I love you" He said, grabbing his keys
"I love you too"

About 10 minutes after he left, I heard voices upstairs
"Blake" I heard faint yelling from upstairs, the voice of George
"I'm coming, love" I called back, quickly going upstairs

I walked in
"It hurts" he said, his voice raspy
"What hurts, baby?"
"My throat.. my stomach.. everything. My head hurts so bad" He said, his eyes struggling to stay open fully
"Nick should be home soon with medicine, is there anything you want?"
"Can I take a bath. I'm so cold" he asked
I nodded "yeah, I'll go start one for you" I said, walking to the bathroom connected to the room

I started the bath, not too hot, but hot enough to make him feel better. After it filled up, I stopped it, and went back to the room
"It's ready, babes" I said

I helped him up, struggling a bit because he was in the middle of the bed, between the others

I helped him walk to the bathroom, and he sat on the toilet seat
"Do you want help?" I asked, not wanting to invade his privacy
"Please..?" He asked
"Of course" I smiled softly at him

I helped him take his shirt off, he was a lot paler than usual. I helped him take off the rest of his clothes, not looking at his private areas
"Ready to stand up?" I asked
He nodded weakly

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