twenty seven :•)

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(Nina and Luke are back)

"It's okay! You're gonna do great, Clay" I said, holding Clays hand as he sets up his webcam

Clay has been panicking all day about his face reveal. He's trying to hide it, but it's obvious

"I don't know how the hell to work a webcam. I've never used one!" Clay groaned, and Karl walked in to help him considering he uses face cam the most out of everyone

I walked downstairs, knowing Clay was getting impatient, and I didn't wanna bother him

I went into the main bedroom and saw Alex "Hi amor" he smiled up at me
"Hi babes" I replied "what are you doing?"
"Getting as far away as I can from Clay" he said, putting his phone down
"Yeah, me too" I laughed and sat next to him

I laid on his chest and looked up at him
"You know I love you, right?" I asked him
"Yeah?" He answered me, confused
"I feel like I don't bond with you enough, and I want you to know I love you"
"I love you too" he kissed the bridge of my nose

"After all of this streaming stuff is over, I want to take you out somewhere" Alex told me
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Just a day for the two of us" He answered
"I'd like that" I smiled up at him

We sat in comfortable silence for a bit before Nick walked in "Clays starting the stream" He said

We went up to Clays room. My five boys were sat on a couch facing the camera, and I sat in Clays fluffy chair that's out of cameras view
"Okay! Are we ready?" George said, his hand hovering over the 'start stream' button
"Yeah, I think so" Clay answered, his hands shaking. I quickly stood up, and cupped Clays face
"Everything's gonna be okay, and you're gonna do incredible, okay? I love you" I kissed his lips, and he smiled at me
"I love you too, thank you"

I went back to the chair, and George clicked the button.

He's doing this...

They stayed on the starting soon screen for a few minutes before he turned on his face cam
"Hi chat" He laughed

Chat was going so fast you couldn't read any of the messages

A dono went through
"I really underestimated you, dream..."
They all laughed
"That was George's first words that one night" Nick said
"Sapnap! Shut up!" George yelled
I struggled to hold back my laughter

Another dono flashed the screen
"Oh, how badly I wanna be in that relationship"
They all laughed again
"Yeah. We're awesome. We pulled him, you all suck" Alex joked

"Yeah, uh. This is the face reveal" Clay laughed, nervously
I smiled at Clay, reassuringly
"Oh, also. Bl-" Clay stopped, and looked at me, nervously
"Our girlfriend is here if you guys hear stuff in the back"

Shit. He almost slipped.

I think he covered it fast enough, hopefully

He answered some questions, before a dono flashed
"Bl? That could be anything." The dono said, trying to guess my name. The boys ignored it

"What convinced your girlfriend to join your guys relationship?" Karl said, reading off a dono. They all looked at me

"They were nice to me the day they met me. And I was also glad they weren't all super similar. They seem kinda similar, but they're honestly very different, which Is something I love. They're all Incredible, and that's why chose to date them" they smiled at me

"How do you guys know that she isn't just using you guys for money?" A dono read

"First off" Nick was the first to speak up
"She makes thousands of dollars A WEEK, with the business she owns. Second, she liked us before we even told her we were streamers, and made millions. Third, you know nothing about her. Maybe if you were good enough to get to know us, you would know that, but you're clearly not. Next time you're gonna be a bitch, come with facts, asshole" They all looked at him, grinning "Damn. That was.. kinda hot" Karl said, and laughed
"Shut up" He laughed

I looked at him, smiling and mouthed
'I love you' and he mouthed it back

They answered questions for hours, making it hard to stay awake, and I ended up falling asleep

George's Pov:
"That went so well!" Clay said, resting his head on the back of his chair, and Nick kissed his cheek "You did incredible" he said, rubbing Clays hand with his thumb. Clay looked down and smiled at Nick "Thank you"

We talked a bit about the stream, and then sat in silence for a bit until we heard a knock on the door of the office. We were all kinda confused
"Come in!" Clay yelled

Luke walked in "Hey" his eyes fell to Blake, and he looked back at us "Uh, nevermind" He smiled, and went to leave
"No, no, what's up?" Clay asked, softly
He looked at us, and he looked guilty
"I was gonna ask Blake when dinner was, but I don't wanna wake her up, it's okay"
"Luke. You know you can feel comfortable around us, right? I know you don't know us super well, but you'll be with us for a while" he laughed "I'll make dinner, go let Nina know" he said, smiling, and walked out

Luke nodded "Thank you, Clay"
"Oh course, dude" He answered, ruffling Luke's hair laughing

IM BACK! HEYYY! Here's a bit of a wholesome chapter, we don't get many interactions between, the teens, and the boys, so I'll be adding some more of that :)

Also, what the hell. 30k views!? THANK YOUUU

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