eighteen =P

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Blakely's Pov:
I heard someone knock on the door, so I opened it to see George and Clay
"Please let us talk to you" Clay begged. I opened the door wider, and went back to my bed, and they followed me. Clay sat to my left, George to my right

"Blakely, I don't know what I was thinking" George started "I've never done that, and I don't know what caused me to do that"

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just nervous, and I took it out on you and I'm so sorry" Clay said
"I hate being mad you you guys. I was just scared. It scared me, and I didn't know what to do" I said

"You flinched.."
"You flinched.. when I got angry, you flinched. I made you flinch" Clay said
I didn't know what to say. I just had my head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arms around my waist, and George squeezed my hand, and we fell asleep like this

~~~~~the next morning~~~~~
I woke up between my two boyfriends. I was facing George, I ran my fingers through his hair, and kissed his nose. Because of this gesture, his eyes fluttered open "good morning beautiful"
"Good morning baby" I said

I felt Clays arms tighten around my waist, and he woke up "I'm cold!" He said
"Then get a blanket" I told him
"I want you to be my blanket" he said, pulling me towards him. I turned to face him, and cuddled against his chest

The door burst open, and I saw my three other boyfriends "Wake up, we're hungry!" Alex said, jumping onto the bed
"Make your own food"
"We want your food"
"I just woke up, leave me alone" I said, pushing him away
"For fucks sake" I said, sitting up
"LETS GO!" Alex said, pulling out his phone, adding a check to the swear chart
"Alex is gonna pass me"
"Pass you on what?"
"Nothing!" All five of them said, at the same time

I went downstairs, and started breakfast. Nina and Luke won't be back until Wednesday (it's currently Monday) so I don't need to make as much as I usually would

After we ate breakfast, we were all sitting at the dining room table, they were talking about who knows what, and I was just completely drained. Alex saw this because he came to my seat, picked me up, and put me on his lap "are you okay amor?"
"tired" I mumbled, lazily
He rubbed my back, and kissed my forehead
"We should have a chill day today, and tomorrow we can do something fun, okay?" Alex told me, softly

I looked up at him, and smiled "that's sounds good" I kissed his cheek, and turned on his lap, so I was facing everyone else
"How about a beach day tomorrow?" Clay suggested
"Yes!" Everyone yelled

~~~~~the next day~~~~~
"Blake, you always overthink things like this. We have everything, I promise you. Let's go" Nick assured me, and we made our way to the beach

We lived about an hour away from the beach, so we all just chilled until we arrived. When we got there, we all put sunscreen on, and went into the water

"Clay stop! Put me down!" I yelled, as I was being held in the air by Clay, soon to be thrown
"I hate you"
"No you don't"

After about 15 minutes of swimming, I decided to get out "I'm gonna go tan for a little bit. I'll come back soon"
They all nodded, and I got out of the water.

I laid in my bikini on a towel in the sand until I heard voices coming close to me "Hey babe"
I opened my eyes, and saw three faces I didn't recognize "can I help you?"
"We saw you from our spot a few yards away, any chance we could get your number?"
"I'm taken, sorry" I told them
"That's doesn't mean anything" the brunette said
"Well I'm not a cheater, so it kinda does"

I started to slightly panic, I didn't know what to do, but soon I heard the voices I was really hoping to hear
"Can you guys back off" Alex said
"Who are you guys?" The other brunette asked
"It doesn't matter. Leave her alone, shes clearly uncomfortable" George said
"What is it to you? She's in a revealing swimsuit, she's asking for it. She looks like a slut" the blonde said

Nobody could even get a word in before Clays fist swung right into his jaw, and he fell. I turned away burying my face is Karls chest
"Call my girlfriend a slut again" Clay threatened
"What the hell dude" the blonde said, holding his jaw

The three boys quickly left.
"Are you okay, baby?" Karl asked running his fingers through my hair
"Uh, yeah. Go back to the water, I'm fine here"

After lots of convincing, they went back to the water. So slid my shorts back on, and went back to what I was doing before

We walked into the house, and I went right up to my room.

I hate that word.


I'm not a slut. I'm not. Am I?

My thoughts were interrupted when Clay walked in, I walked to my closet and grabbed clothes, Karls and Alex clothes to be specific, not saying a word to him. I felt like if I said anything I would burst into tears and I didn't want that right now.

I walked out of the bathroom in Karls sweatpants, and Alex's sweater, and saw Clay on my bed, he looked at me when he heard the door open, and opened his arms for me. I took this opportunity to talk to him. I went over to him, and wrapped my arms around his waist

"You're so beautiful Blakely" He started "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You are perfect to me, you are perfect to Alex. You're perfect to George. You're perfect to Karl and you're perfect to Nick. Don't let's some dumbass boys tell you anything otherwise. You're perfect. You're so gorgeous, baby"

I tightened my grip around his waist, trying not to cry. That didn't last long. I felt a tear fall down I cheek, he wiped it off with hit thumb

"I love you, Clay"
"I love you more"

Don't let people talk shit about you. You're so perfect, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I luv you <333

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