eight =]

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TW: Panic Attack and self harm!

"We had so much fun, I hope you guys had a good little vacation" I told Aria "oh we did, thank you so much for taking care of him. I love you" She said, hugging me "I love you too!" And she left

I went up to my room and cleaned up some little messes Grayson had made, and went back downstairs.

I sat in next to Karl and leaned on him. This is when I got a text I never thought I would get

You didn't think you would get away that quickly, did you?

My heart dropped. Tears forming in my eyes, and they quickly fell. I threw my phone on the floor, and most likely broke it. All the boys looked at me, and ran over. I had my hands over my face, I didn't wanna believe it.
"Blakely? What's going on??"
"H-he's back... he's gonna find me, I can't go through that again, I just got away" Just by that, they all knew what I meant. "Blake, no. He's not gonna find you, we're all here. He's not gonna find you" they reassured me, over and over until I was calm. So they thought.

A few minutes later, I went back upstairs, and I shouldn't have because I just felt alone, and all these thoughts were overwhelming me.

You're not safe anymore. What have you done. You're gonna get your boys hurt. He's gonna find you. He's gonna put you though that all over again, but worse.

I tried chilling out, and tried to be quiet so the boys wouldn't hear me. But that worked for a hot second. I sat on the floor, and backed up against the wall, and began scratching myself. I didn't have the things I needed to hurt myself more. I scratched up my arms until they bled. It hurt, so bad. But I kept doing it. I was shaking uncontrollably. I heard the door open, and didn't even look up, I just scratched myself more

"Blake! Boys get up here, now!" It was George.

He pulled me into his arms and held my arms, so I would stop "baby, you need to stop"
"Let me go!" I fought and fought, tears streaming down my face, and he wouldn't let me go "George please!"

I heard all the boys come in, and run over to me. I hated it. I hated all of this.
"Blake! Blakely.. you need to calm down, we're all right here" Clay told me. I saw as his eyes went down to my arms. The blood dripping from the cuts I had made
"Please just let me go!" I cried, but he knew if he let me go, I would find a way to hurt myself "Blake, I can't let you go" I fought until I couldn't anymore. I just fell back into him, and put my head in his chest, sobbing. At this point Karl had tears in his eyes, and Nick was hugging him.

Alex and Clay were next to me, trying to help me, and George was holding me. "Blakely, we're all right here, and we love you." Alex said. This kinda caught me off guard, he's never said that. Only Clay and George have said they love me before.

I felt discusting. My arms hurt so bad, and the tears on my face caused my hair to stick to my face. But the boys presence made me feel safe. "I-I'm sorry.." I choked out "I'm so awful. I'm sorry"

Clay grabbed my hand "you are not awful, and don't tell yourself that you are. You're absolutely incredible and we and love and appreciate you In our lives" I looked up slightly and Georges head was on top of mine, and he was clearly fighting back tears. We sat like this for a few minutes until George spoke up "How about the 4 of you just go outside for a minute, so Blake doesn't feel uncomfortable, yeah?" He knows me. Out of everyone, George knows me the best, he knows I wouldn't wanna move until everyone left. That's all he had to say, and all the other boys left the room. Leaving George and I "Hey baby, how about we go to the bathroom and get cleaned up, okay?" I nodded, and we went to the bathroom. He wiped all the tears from my face, and brushed my hair, because my hair got very messy in the process. I saw him grab the first aid kit, and I back up "George please-"
"Babes, I have to. I know it hurts"
"George, it's fine"
He walked out, and came back in with Clay "Blake, you need to clean up your arms or it'll get infected
"I don't care"
"If you don't, we'll have to go to the hospital" Clay told me
I was hesitant, but I didn't for one second, wanna have to go to the hospital "Fine"

Clay opened the first aid kit, grabbing wraps, alcohol and some other cleaning supplies. He started by just washing the access blood, and grabs an alcohol swab and began wiping it on my cuts. It hurt like hell, tears in my eyes. I've had to do this before, but it was years ago. "I'm sorry princess"

After we were done, the boys left the room so I could change, then they came back in, and I kissed them both "thank you so much. I'm so sorry" I said "Don't be sorry Blake, we're always here"
"Do you wanna sleep with George and I? I nodded and as we were walking to their room, I saw the other 3 boys, I looked at all of them, and wanted to cry "thank you guys. I'm sorry I did that" Karl hugged me, and kissed the top of my head "We love you Blake"
"I love you guys too"

Each person had their own room, but people rarley ever slept alone. I usually slept with Karl, or Clay, but people would switch off, so I'm sleeping with Clay and George tonight

I climbed into bed, between the two, Clay wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me into him, and I put my head into his chest. And George wrapped his arms around me from behind and put his head on the crook of my Neck. 'I love you's we're exchanged and we all fell asleep in each other's holds.

Oooo yuh! Another chapter. More interesting?? I hope you guys liked this. I'm starting school again in a few days-
Yes ik. Ew-
And I have to get on a better sleep schedule. Again, ew-
But yeah, I'll still be posting pretty consistently. Love you all <3

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