Thirty one D:

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"What the fuck are you doing here" I said, sternly
"What am I doing here? What the fuck- are my kids doing here!?" He said
"What going on?" Clay asked, my other boyfriends trailing behind him
"It's been month, Knox! You can't just come and claim them again!" I said, caring him by his first name
"You don't get to call me that, I'm your father!"
"Not anymore" I said, shaking my head

I saw a look on Luke's face that I don't see often. He looked.. horrified

"You call them your kids and then do this to them!?" I said looking at Luke, who was now crying
"They're still my kids, Blakely" He shouted at me
"No. I'm more of a parent to them than you are, and these boys are like a father to them, you asshole!"
"You think those guys actually love you? They could easily leave you, there's five of them! They don't want you, they don't need you!"
"Who the fuck do you think you are? Just because nobody loves you, doesn't mean nobody can love your kids, you fucker" Karl said. I've never seen him this mad before
"Fuck off, don't try to act like you love her now" Knox said
"You don't get to talk to my boyfriend or my girlfriend like that! Nor do you get to talk to Nina and Luke like this! What kind of father are you? Your kids are terrified of you!" Nick said

Knox shook his head, pulling out his phone
"Expect the police" he said, slamming the door behind him

Luke started sobbing. He used to have a really good bond with my dad until he was about 11, and my dad became a massive alcoholic

"Luke, it's okay. Whatever he does to try to take you from us.. it's not gonna work. We won't let it work" I said, trying to hide the tears that were forming in my eyes
"I don't wanna go" He choked out

Alex walked up to him "Lucas, look at me"
Luke looked up, his eyes red
"You have become apart of our everything. The boys behind me, your two sisters, and you are my everything, and we will do everything in our power to keep you with us, no matter how long it takes, how much money we need to pay, or how hard we have to fight, you are ours" Alex said, hugging Luke

"He's not leaving.. he's just sitting there in his car" Nina said, looking out the window
"Don't worry about it. If he calls the police, they'll make him leave. This is a private property and he has no reason to be on it"

A few minutes later I heard what I had been expecting


I saw Nina Immediately look up, and her eyes widen and filled with tears
"It's okay, Ni. Don't freak out" I said, pulling Nina towards me

Nina has gone through situations like this before. We got taken once when we were little. I was ten, Nina was six and Luke was only three. Our dad took us out and got drunk. He passed out in the middle of the night, and we were left on the side of the road. My mom was at work and had to idea. They took us, but we were easily given back to my mom

When Nina found out our mom was dead, she heard sirens outside the house, and they told her what happened

Sirens have really traumatized her

We heard loud knocks on the door, and I let Nina go and opened the door
"Hello, ma'am. I'm officer Mariah, and this is officer Nate. We got a report of child abduction. What children do you have in this house?"
"It was absolutely NOT child abduction" I opened the door wider "Thats my brother Lucas, and my sister Nina"
"What's your name, and who are the others behind you?" Officer Mariah asked
"My name is Blakely Reed. The others are Clay, Nick, Alex, Karl, and George"
(Idk all their last names, and idk if they're really comfortable with that)

"So, how old are you Blakely?"
"I'm 20" I said
"And how old are Nina and Lucas?"
"Nina is 15 and Luke is 13"
"And why do you have them? Do they leave here or..?" Officer Nate asked
"My mother died in a car accident a few months ago. My father is a severe alcoholic. I took them in as my own with the rest of my boyfriends. It's been months since I've had them, and now he's finally trying to get them. They don't want to go with him... He's verbally abusive, and he's an awful father. I.. need them, and they need me"

Mariah was writing in a black notebook as I told her everything that happened
"Are you gonna work to adopt them?" Nate asked me
"I never really thought of it, but I will do anything in my power to adopt them. No matter what it takes" I said

Both officers said a few words to each other that I was unable to hear

"Okay. So heres what's happening. By the looks of the two children right now" he said, looking at Nina and Luke "They clearly don't wanna go. They want to stay with you"
"Yes" I said
"But.. we can't let that happen" Mariah said

Clay walked up behind me
"What?" He said
"There was a report. He wants his children back. Technically.. he has custody of them-"
"No he doesn't. My parents broke up! My mom had custody of them, meaning nobody has custody of them, he doesn't get to claim them"
"But you don't have custody of them either. We need to take them to a foster care until we can you guys a court date set up"

I saw Nina out of the corner of my eye, running up to her room. I just shook my head, tears forming in my eyes
"Why do you have to do this!? My brother and sister were perfectly fine before that asshole decided to try and be a dad to them"
"I'm sorry, but it's against the law to let them stay here. We will have someone here tomorrow to take them"

I just shut the door, and went up to Luke, hugging him, and I mumbled
"I'm so sorry..."
"Why do we have to go" he sobbed
I pulled away and looked at him
"We are going to win. I will not let that horrid man take you from me" I said
"I hate that I have to say this.. but you have to get your stuff together.."

He nodded, tears still going down his cheeks and he went upstairs
"Blak-" Karl started, but I walked right past him, and upstairs

I went into Nina's room, and she was sitting on the floor, against her bed, crying

I sat next to her, and pulled her towards me
"H-he can't win.. I can't go back to him. The things he says to me, Blak-" She couldn't even get the rest of her sentence out before sobbing
"Nina, I will not let him! He is nothing to us, and we will not let him. He has nothing. He has no job, he has a broke down car, and he's living in a house with a bunch of alcoholics! I have a successful job, and so do my boyfriends. Everything is gonna be okay" I said, hugging her "everything will be okay.."


Crying. Sobbing. Smashing my head into walls-

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