ten =/

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TW: Sexual assault/ harassment

I woke up just like how I fell asleep. I slipped out of the boys grasp and made my way to my bathroom, my legs were still slightly sore, but I could walk. I used the bathroom, and went back to my room to find an outfit for the day

 I used the bathroom, and went back to my room to find an outfit for the day

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(The outfit)

I would usually do light makeup, but I wanted to look really good today, so i did full face. Concealer, Fake lashes, eyeliner and lip gloss

I went downstairs, and nobody was awake. I expected that considering it's 8 in the morning. I got my keys and left to a little Cafe down the road.

I walked in, and it was a really cozy cute Cafe. I ordered 6 plates of French Toast, Hash browns, Bacon and eggs

My name was called and I took all the food and left. As I was walking to my car, I heard footsteps behind me, and an arm snake around my waist, I looked at who it was an it was a man in his probably mid thirties. He smelt like straight alcohol.

I pushed his arm off of me without a word and walked faster
"You in a rush? Why can't you stay to chat?"
"Can you just leave me alone, please?"
This was bringing back memories of Dean that I didn't feel like thinking about.
I opened the door to my car and put the food in the passenger seat. As I was getting in my  car, his arms went tightly around my wrist
"Don't fucking touch me!" I pushed him away from me
"Look at how you dressed! You were asking for it, you look like a slut!"

"Fuck off" is all I said as I got in my car and drove off.

I walked in the house and all the boys eyes were on me "Where have you been!?" Clay asked me
"I went to get breakfast" I mumbled
"You scared the hell out of me, why weren't you answering your phone?"
"I- I don't know. I just forgot, okay?!" I snapped at him

Clays pov:
Something was definitely up with Blake, she never snaps at anyone, I was honestly kind of worried. She went upstairs and didn't even eat

"What was that about" Alex asked me, as he walked into the kitchen with the other 3 trailing being him
"I don't know"
"She never yells" Karl commented
"I know, I don't know what's up with her"

Blakelys Pov:
I felt bad for yelling at Clay, he didn't do anything, I just didn't feel like answering a bunch of questions.  I changed out of my skirt, and into some jeans instead, maybe that guys was right, and I shouldn't be dressing like that

I went back downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of ice water, and leaned against the counter "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that" I apologize, genuinely
"You're good princess, did something happen?"
"Just-" I was gonna answer, but I knew they would all get mad "nothing"

"Blake, what's going on?"
"Just, stupid people"
"What stupid people?"
"Some guys was just touching on me, and calling me names" I shrugged it off like it was nothing, but they didn't think it was nothing

"What!?" Nick raised his voice
"It's not a big deal, it's over. He was just being a dick" I assured them, and they took the hint that I didn't wanna talk about it, because they stopped taking

My phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out to see my mom calling me "I'll be right back"

My mom has always been my person. She's amazing to me, and she's always checking up on me

I answered the call "hey mom!"
"Hey baby, how are you doing?"
"I'm good, I was just eating breakfast"
"Good, good. I wanted to come see you, I went to your house, and nobody answered. Did you move?"

I realized I forgot to tell her about everything that happened
"Oh. Yeah, I did. I'm actually uhm, Not with Dean anymore"
"Oh honey, I'm sorry"
"No no, don't be. He wasn't good for me. I'm actually in a new relationship now"
"Oh really? I would love to meet him"
"Yeah, about that"
I know she will support me either way, I was just still nervous to tell her about my five boyfriends

"I'm actually not just dating one person"
"I-I'm in a relationship with 5 other boys" my heart was going 100 miles an hour
"That's great sweetheart, I'm so proud of you" She told me, I could tell she was smiling "Well, I would love to meet them soon"
"Yeah, of course, I text you later about it, okay?"
"Okay! I love you sweetie"
"I love you too mom, bye" and I hung up

I wasn't expecting her to be mad, I just thought she would be shocked, but I'm glad she's happy for me

I made my way back into the kitchen, and started eating
"Who was that" Karl asked me
"Oh, it was just my mom. She was wondering how I've been, I told her about- us"
"Oh" Karl said, he looked nervous
"She's happy for me, shes not mad, I promise"
They all looked relieved
"Yeah, my parents and Alexs parents didn't support it" Nick said, looking down

"That's okay. That doesn't matter, as long as we're happy, thats all that matters, okay?" He nodded

~~~~~3 hour time skip~~~~~
I put my phone down, and looked at the boys.
"My sister wants to meet you guys"
I told them

My little sister Nina. She's 15, and has always been my best friend, she never liked Dean, she could tell he gave off bad vibes, and she's excited to meet my 5 boyfriend
"You have a sister?"
"And a brother. My sister Nina is 15, my brother Luke Is 13"
"Alright, yeah. We can meet her"
"Alright great"

Nina 💕

Hey, whenever mom comes to visit, you can visit as well, so you can meet my boyfriends

Okay, great! I need to make sure these boys aren't a bunch of assholes, see you soon, love you

They're not. But I love you too

"Beware of my sister, she's a handful, she's like my best friend, very protective even though she's younger than me"

"Good to know"

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