Qian Kun-2

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Author POV

Kun seemed to be staring at the man for way too long that the said man giggled.

"A'm I that handsome to you?" The man said and Kun blushed staying quiet.

He then saw the man walk towards him and undo the chains from his hands since he had the keys for the hand chains.

He looked at the other confused on why he untied him then the other spoke "I feel like you and I are going to be good friends and I don't like seeing other omegas being hurt since I'm also one" he said and Kun looked at him terrified.

"h-how did you know that I'm an omega?" Kun asked and the other clearly looked confused at what Kun had said.

"what you mean?  how I know?" he asked Kun and Kun sighed knowing he would have to explain.

"people think I'm a beta and I say I'm a beta I hide my actual sub gender which is an omega" he said and the other slightly nodded "and why is that you hide your sub gender are you ashamed of it?" The other said to Kun "I don't want to say it" Kun said hoping his fellow omega would understand.

"oh I see it's fine if you don't want to say it yet by the way my name is Ten also don't ask for my real name it's too long to remember so what's yours?"

Kun looks at ten and smiles "my name is Kun" Ten gasps and Kun looks at him confused "WHAT YEAR WHERE YOU BORN!!!!" He yelled out of excitement which Kun giggled.

"I was born in 1996" Ten gasped once again and smiled "ME TOO!!!" Kun smiled.

"what month?" Kun asked Ten.

"February 27," Ten responded and Kun slightly smirked "so I'm older huh~"

Ten looked at him and pouted "NOT FAIR!!!!!! WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY??!!!" Ten whined making Kun giggle at him.

"January 1" Kun said and Ten just pouted at him.

Kun pinched his cheeks and smiled at him.

Ten seeing the older smiled as well, then out of a sudden the door of the room open   revealing a very tall man.

Kun saw Ten smile at the man and run towards the man and give him a peck on the lips.

The taller man holds Ten's waist and then looks at Kun "baby what did I told you about talking with Him I remember telling you not to talk to him" The taller man says to Ten.

Kun could visibly saw Ten's Pout from where he was which was the bed.

He then saw the taller man staring at him "but john he is nice and I think its time I have a friend since you don't let me have an alpha friend and he is a nice and not even an alpha he is a beta who got involved into his parents shit" Ten says to the taller man who is holding him by the waist.

Kun smiles due to the fact that Ten didn't say he was an omega and is keeping it a secret.

"baby!" The taller man says strictly "no baby!, John I want to have a friend!" Ten sassily said.

The man looked at Kun and Kun smiled at him, Kun saw the man sigh and nod at ten.

"fine I will let you be friends with him but make sure he isn't on Taeyongs way alright baby" The taller man says and Ten nods he then grabs a key from The taller man pocket.

He walks towards Kun and takes the chains that were on Kun's legs off him.

"thanks" Kun says and Ten smiles and goes back to the other Man and puts back the key where he got it from.

"don't try to walk you might fall since your legs are numb from being tied up with chains" Said The taller man and Kun nods and stays seated on the bed.

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