Lee Kun-9

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Author POV
Once Kun was back in the mansion he parks the car in the garage and gets off the car and gets mentally ready to face the wrath of Taeyong.

Once in the first thing he sees is Yoonji who is smirking.

Kun really wishes he could punch that eating shit smirk of hers
Jeno then walks to Kun.

The older hands him his car keys.

Jeno takes and holds Kun's shoulder for some type of comfort.

"Hyung we will pray for you" Jeno whispers in his ear and Kun nods and walks towards Taeyong's room.

He then finds Taeyeon near the living room.

She gestures for Kun to come to her which he does.

"He is in the room and very pissed Kun! Are you sure you can deal with him.... Taemin and I can step in!" Taeyeon says and Kun simply smiles.

"It's okay noona I got it and I don't want to involve you guys but thank you for the offer!" Kun says as he bids his goodbyes to the older Korean women and leaves the room.

Kun walks upstairs and breathes in.

Getting ready to face the older.

Kun walks to Taeyong's room and freezes he is suddenly way too nervous and scared to get in.

He breathes in and out.

He grabs the doorknob and slowly opens the door.

He comes face to face with a freshly showered Taeyong.

He has a towel around his waist and one on his hand which is the one he is using to dry his hair.

"Where were you." Says Taeyong in a strict cold tone.

"I was out...." Kun says as the older approaches him.

"And who allowed you to go out," Taeyong says as he corners Kun in the wall.

"No one! But I don't need permission to go out!" Kun says and that's when Taeyong grabs his waist and harshly corners him.

He then grabs his chin and makes him look up.

"Wasn't selling my company and emptying my credit card enough of trouble!, Do you think after what you did you will still have the same freedom to do as you please!" Taeyong says in a deep yet raspy tone(I must say very hot).

"I didn't do shit!" Kun says as he moves his head away from Taeyong's grip.

"Really~" Says Taeyong with a mad yet teasing tone.

"yes really!" Kun says as he tries to push Taeyong off.

But Taeyong over won him in strength and kept him there.

"If it wasn't you then why don't speak up!" Taeyong says and Kun looks the other way.

"Because I don't need to I just know I didn't do anything," Kun says and Taeyong lifts his chin.

"I won't deal with you tonight so I'm off," Taeyong says as he lets Kun go.

Taeyong then goes to his closet and grabs his clothes and goes into the bathroom.

While Kun breathes in and sits down on the bed.

Taeyong then gets out and Kun blushes at the sight.

Taeyong applies some perfume and grabs his car keys and phone and walks to the door.

Taeyong applies some perfume and grabs his car keys and phone and walks to the door

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