Lousy Party pt.2 -18

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Previous Chapter-Lousy Party pt.1

"Yes actually.... Umm.. Kangta is having another lousy party and I want to take my husband as my companion and he has nothing to wear and I want you to take him tomorrow to the tailor shop to get his measurements and to choose the materials for a dress....... Also, I want only the best designer to make his attire for the party" Taeyong says as Hanse types into his computer he always has in his nightstand for when his boss calls him at night and writes down all of what Taeyong had told him.

"Alright Mr.Lee, I will call Mr.Lee Kun and tell him all the details and go get his measurements as well as all the materials needed for his attire," Hanse says as Taeyong hums. "Alright, that's all thank you, Hanse," Taeyong says "No problem Mr.Lee and have a pleasant night" Hanse says "You too" Taeyong answers back as he hangs up the phone.

Taeyong sighs as he places his phone down and eats his already cold Janchi guksu.

Kun's POV

Trrring!! Trringg!! Trring!!.......
You know me like no other 다 표현하지 않아도 See me like no other (mm) And I think I like your point of view 다시 돌아와도 돼 I don't care what other people say 놓지 말아봐줘 Dreaming of each other...

I groan as I hear my phone ring.

I rub my eyes as I grab my phone from the nightstand, I wince at the bright small screen as I turn it on.

"huh? Who is this?" I say as I look at the random number replacing the caller ID, I hang up and then the same caller ID calls again.

"Ugh, fine, I will answer already!!" I say as I press the green call button and answer the phone. "Hello?" I say as I wait for the other person in the opposite line to speak.

"Hello Mrs.Lee, I'm Mr. Lee's secretary Do Hanse and I was told by him yesterday that you were in need of attire for a party you will be assisting with him as his partner, I will be picking you up approximately around ummm... 30 minutes or so, I advise you to get out of your bed and get ready, Also this is my number so please save it." The male from the other line says and I blink processing everything he just said. "Alright thank you....." I say as Im still sleepy.

Then suddenly he hangs up and I look at my phone in surprise and sigh as I get out of bed and make it.

After making my bed such as folding the blanket I had used neatly and rearranging my pillows, I open my drawer and pull out a simple outfit. I grab some high-waist brown pants with a low-cut white shirt and a lighter brown colored blazer and place them on my bed.

I then go into the bathroom wash my teeth, take my pajamas off, and hop into the shower, I turn the shower head on and let the warm water hit my skin as I pump a bit of shampoo in my hand and lather it on my head as I massage it in. I rinse my soapy hair and use a bit of conditioner at my ends, grab a body gel shower and a fluffy pink loofa, and scrub my whole body.

After I rinse my body, I turn off the water take my towel and wrap it around my body and get out of the shower. 

I dry myself with the same towel I had used and I get changed into my outfit I pulled together earlier before I had showered.

I then grab my hair dryer, plug it in an outlet, and proceed to dry my hair, after drying my hair I comb through it with a comb and then style it neatly. I then do my skincare and open the drawer in my vanity, I grab my eyelash curler and curl my lashes to enhance my eyes and I then apply a bit of brown mascara and a rosy lip tint, and apply some to my lips and blur it out for a natural look. 

I sigh as I grab a simple-designed golden necklace and clasp it on my neck, I grab a perfume bottle and spray some on my neck and on my wrists.

"Alright done!" I say as I take my phone and look at the time "Oh it's seven......" I say as I realize that Taeyong's secretary had called me quite early, around 6:15, I sigh as I get out of my room and head to the kitchen to make myself a simple breakfast.

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