Park Yoonji-7

398 20 0

3rd POV
"Lee Taeyong what is this!" A female with Brown hair came marching towards them angrily.

Kun gulped, starting to get a little nervous.

Luckily Taeyeon noticed and gently grabbed the youngers shoulder and bent to ear level.

"Don't worry about her, She can't speak bad to one of the main master of the house which are Taeyeong and Taemin" Taeyeon whispered in his ear and Kun nodded but despite being reasured he was still nervous.

"Mom!" Said Chaeryeong cheerfully, she ran towards the older woman and hugged her.

"Move it Chaeryeong!" She said angrily as she pushed the girl away from her.

"Chaer!" Chaeyeon yelled out for her sister who fell on her butt.

Kun quietly gasped and ran to the teen and bent down to check on her.

"Chaeryoung sweetheart are you okay?" Kun asked Chaeryeong worriedly.

Chaeryeong nodded making both Kun and Chaeyeon sigh in relief.

Jeno was deadly starring at his mother while she just simply rolled her eyes at the teen.

"Who are you glaring at boy hah!" She said at Jeno while he just avoided her stare making her frown.

She walked to Jeno and Jeno frowned and backed away slightly.

Before she was able to say something Taeyong interferences and gets infront of Jeno.

"What do you think your doing why are you making such a big ruckus!" Taeyong said sternly making her flinch.

"I- I just wanted to know who you guys were talking about" She says nervously.

"And was that a reason to push Chaeryeong and to try to hit Jeno!" He says and she looks down.

Before more happens a beautiful women apppears running to Taeyong and hugging him.

"Oppa!" She says as she hugs him.

"I'm so happy your back!" She says as Taeyong clearly doesn't acknowledge her presence.

She then turns around and sees Kun and walks to him.

Kun seems perplexed at the korean womans beauty her beautiful brown hair and brown chcolate eyes and her mole that she has in the bottom of her left eye.

Kun seems perplexed at the korean womans beauty her beautiful brown hair and brown chcolate eyes and her mole that she has in the bottom of her left eye

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"Hello oppa who you might be?" She aks her beautiful droopey like honey voice surprising Kun as even her voice is beautiful.

"Ha! See unnie you no longer have the prettiest voice nor looks hahaha!" Says Chaeryeong as the older women glares at her but she then softens her faces.

Obviously showing she has a fake personality.

Obviously showing she has a fake personality

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