Encounter with the Nightbrothers

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Zoom! An unnamed young man flew his starship, his own model XZ-2401, to the planet Dathomir in an attempt to gain information on the locations of Exogul. Only a century earlier, Rey had wiped out the Sith once and for all, her being the last Jedi. Jedi, he thought with gritted teeth. Wiped out my village too. He hated the Jedi with all his emotion. His only solution was to give them a taste of their own medicine, and make sure that in a century, people would ask "Remember the Jedi?". Thump. Crash. Screeeeeeeeeech. The man's starship had crash-landed, and broke down, at Dathomir. What was he looking for exactly? The last, untouched Sith wayfinder was rumored to last be in the possession of the Nightbrothers. The man needed the wayfinder in order to find Exogul, leading him into becoming a Sith. His only problem? He had to find that wayfinder first. Piece of junk, he thought. Couldn't the sith just have put the info in a more impactful object? Perhaps an asteroid? I certainly would not have put it in a triangular box. He was walking through the fit-for-human-life planet, when a full grown man came out of nowhere with dual blades. Just when the inhabitant had tried to kill the man, the man grabbed the hilt of a blade, turned it back at the other blade, and blocked the attack. Then, he disarmed the attacker and forced the whereabouts of the Nightbrothers. After obtaining his information, he set off to the specified coordinates. On the way, he was met with the same reception as the first inhabitant, and he had no reason to spare them. He had his information, and they were perceived by him as obstacles. And obstacles should be wiped out, as the man thought. Upon reaching the camp, he found the main tent immediately. It wasn't hard, seeing as it was the biggest and grandest of them all. He went into the tent, easily overpowered the Nightbrothers who stood against him, and forced the leader to give up the wayfinder. "You won't find anything! Exogul has been destroyed!", the Nightbrother had said. Nevertheless, he had to try. Slyly, he persuaded a Nightbrother to lend him a tie fighter, and punched in the coordinates of Exogul.

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