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Darth Corruptus and Darth Rexus continued to travel, because Rexus had lost his lightsaber in a canyon, and it was submerged and destroyed. Corruptus was searching far and wide for a new lightsaber for Rexus, and he landed on the planet Messil. Messil was lush, fertile, and well populated by many tribals. On the outskirts lay the Solcustans, keeper of the fracton star that gave light to Messil. Towards the forests live the Bratans and Borians, who finished a war that gave Borians sole control of the forest, while the Bratans fled. Corruptus and Rexus ventured through the planet for hours, until stumbling upon a small shack.

They looked inside and got sustenance, feasting on the sweet berries and quenching their thirst. The food seemed a little odd, however, not in regard to any physical qualities, but in regard to the imprint. Someone had kept them here. As Corruptus turned, a club bashed him in the head. The Sith Lords awoke, tied up, dark saber revoked. Corruptus looked at the group of spectating captors. He glared, and they shrunk back again. A man wearing some sort of a crown of leaves came to him, remarking "So, the Borians sent these scum to destroy us." Corruptus replied "Fool, you do not know who we are?" "Borian spies." "Perhaps this will show you." Corruptus said as he initiated a force choke on the chief. "Sith! We are very sorry, my lords. We knew not." "I am Darth Corruptus, ruler of the Extergalactic Sith Empire." "I am Chief Cade Lapsic Skywalker." "Skywalker?" "My grand-uncle was Cade Skywalker." Corruptus thoughtfully introspected on these words. "How would you like to retake the forests from the Borians, under the condition that you give me your alliance and submit to my Empire." Cade hesitated. He may not want to be a Jedi, but he knew his ancestors wouldn't be proud if he helped Corruptus destroy them. Politely, he responded "I cannot aid you in your Empire, but I can give your friend here a weapon." He handed Rexus the legendary sword, Corterrensis, forged from the very metals in Messil's core. "It was captured by the Solcustorans in a raid during the Unspeakable War." "Unspeakable War?" "When we fought the Borians." "Ah, the Bratic-Boric War." "Yes, whatever. You may go." Corruptus left Messil, mission succeeded.

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