Retaking Korriban

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Darth Corruptus realized that to fully extend his grip on even the galaxy he was in, he must retake the ancient Sith planet Korriban and other Sith planets. Korriban was a desolate planet, devoid of any life, and ever since the Sith were destroyed, Korriban was empty and untouched. Corruptus realized that Korriban was a banished realm for the Jedi, and it was forbidden to enter it because of its affiliation with the Dark Side. The Sith Lord sent a few legions of his Dark Army to take Korriban. There was just one snag in the plan. The Jedi were beginning to colonize it in an attempt to live there and cleanse it of the Dark Side. Meaning that those legions of bounty hunters and Sith Cultists were doomed. Corruptus sent more legions, this time of Sith.

The battle was a fierce battle, but the Jedi had the upper hand. They had seen the legions coming, and prepared for battle. Under the lead of Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb, a fallen Jedi who died at General Grievous's hands, the Jedi ripped through the lines. Corruptus had never witnessed a greater atrocity. The Dark Lord took it upon himself to go to the front lines. Nahdar Vebb saw this, but blindly came to duel him without knowing who he was. Vebb fought Corruptus and for a brief few seconds, it looked like Vebb might win. However, Corruptus was merely faking his weakness and when Vebb when aggressive, he used the lack of control against Vebb and killed the knight.

The Jedi colonists, now leaderless, fled for their lives when they saw the ease at which Corruptus killed their boss. While Corruptus roamed Korriban, what was left of the legions, under his orders, rounded up the Jedi and either forced them to convert to Sith or die. They at first refused, but when Corruptus returned to threaten them, they immediately converted without hesitation. The Dark Army gave Corruptus supreme respect for not only striking fear into the Jedi, but also leading a charge on the front lines, something no leader normally does. The Sith Intelligence sent men to snoop around Korriban to look for anything, while the Production started colonizing Korriban for Sith, and also excavated the planet. Korriban was back into Sith hands.

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