Organizing the Sith

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Corruptus was thrilled to see his spell worked, but he was sapped of energy. He welcomed all the Sith back, but he was met with havoc. The Sith were in turmoil and argued over who was to rule as the Dark Lord of the Sith. On one hand, Darth Treya wanted to rule. On another, Sidious wanted to rule. But finally, Corruptus bellowed, "I shall rule. I was named Dark Lord by you all, and I shall keep the title." There were outcries of protest and Sidious decided to take it on himself to duel Corruptus. Sidious challenged him and ignited his lightsaber. The two dueled, and Corruptus summoned his pure hatred to Sidious for ending the Sith. He front-flipped over Sidious and stabbed him in the back. Sidious lay on the ground, dead. "Anybody else who wants to suffer the same fate?" Darth Cognus, the apprentice of Darth Zannah, stood up. "Sidious was weak! You shall not be able to beat me, the huntress!" "Even the Sith Exile could beat you. I could end you easily." Cognus was momentarily shocked at this slight on her death, and charged. Corruptus shook his head in distaste. She used her anger to fuel her mind instead of her veins. Corruptus could dodge with minimal effort and force-choke her. "Yield!", he cried. "I... yield."

Corruptus stood in triumph, but his final challenger would be much, much more challenging. Darth Nihilus stood up, and took Cognus's spot. "I challenge you!" "Accepted." They pulled out lightsaber and darksaber, and clashed. For the watching Sith, it was like watching two gods fighting. Nihilus's power was the talk of myth, while Corruptus was seemingly unbeatable. The two dueled for many minutes, Force-pushes and blows returned, until Nihilus tried to devour Corruptus's life-force. Corruptus broke the hold Nihilus had and used the moment to take advantage of Nihilus's shock. He kicked him in the chest and knocked him down. Nihilus finally knelt down on one knee, and declared, "All hail Darth Corruptus, Dark Lord of the Sith!". The rest of the Sith followed suit and chanted the statement. Darth Corruptus took action immediately. He organized Sith into different branches: Council, Military, Influence, Intelligence, and Production. The Council, or The Dark Council, comprised of Corruptus's second-in-command Nihilus, and some other intelligent Sith like Mortis, Unvoltius, and more. They had seats around a table and made decisions that were then presented to Corruptus by Nihilus.

The Military, or the Dark Army, comprised of the entire military of the Sith. There was the Main Army, with Sith and Sith Lords that were very good warriors, and the Extended Army, with Sith Cultists and bounty hunters who wanted to fight for the Sith. The Influence was comprised of Sith who were meant to convert and/or ally with others who would then help the Sith. The Intelligence was made up of sneaky Sith who were mainly good at stealth and hiding, like Darth Jadus and his apprentice, Cipher Nine. When Jadus was presumed defeated by Cipher Nine, Jadus was in reality training him to become the Sith Lord Darth Ausus. Jadus and Ausus headed up the Intelligence. Finally, the Production was mainly made up of droids and skilled engineers that mass produced helpful things like lightsabers, guns, (weapons in general), but also many robots, spaceships, etc. With these plans put into motion, the Sith would soon become a major player in the universe.

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