The hunt for Malachor

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Corruptus now looked toward another way to expand his empire. Malachor V was a planet that spent a lot of its history as a Sith planet. It also carried many Sith artifacts and required serious attention before the Jedi decided to check it out. The Jedi had used the Quake Destabilizer to destroy the planet, and now the pieces were floating through space. This would make finding the artifacts a lot more difficult. Corruptus turned to his trusted STEM worker, Captain Vir. Vir, a Sith cultist of Freid, was known as a prodigy at all things STEM-related. He calculated the average velocity vector on each asteroid, correctly predicted the current positions, and gave out the information. Corruptus sent out squadrons of Shadow Guards to fly to each asteroid.

Upon reaching each piece, the guards returned after recovering many artifacts that had dark force remnants. But one team of Shadow Guards returned with more. Under the lead of Captain Xudar, descendant of Admiral Ackbar, the team returned with the startling news that on their piece, a huge kyber mine was present and they had used tractor beams to pull it on Korriban. Now, on Korriban, a huge kyber mine was present and now served as the primary source of lightsaber production resources.

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