The Remains of Exogul

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Blasting into hyperspace, the man was pushed back into his chair, and was starting to believe he was going nowhere. Perhaps the wayfinder was broken. It was leading him to random areas of the universe. After hours of backbreaking flying and hyperspace jumping, he spotted a giant spherical mass. That must be it! He had reached his destination. Exogul was a dry, desolate planet, and now, after the battles between the Resistance vs The First Order and Final order, it was completely destroyed. He could even hear the faint, ghostly whispers of the Sith Eternal, where he hoped to be when he died. Or never died. Depending on his power. He looked around for scattered remains of the Sith Order, but he couldn't find anything. The Sith were gone. He fell to his knees, head down and face crestfallen. Suddenly, a pulsing, red glow came from under some fallen walls. Summoning all his might, the man cracked the wall into many pieces, and lifted them up one-by-one. A lightsaber, he thought, spirits up. All was not lost yet. When he moved his hand towards the lightsaber to pick it up, the lightsaber shook violently, and flew to him. Never would he have thought, so soon. He had the force! He practiced some moves, and ended up causing lots of damage to the place, even more than the Jedi caused in 80 years. Probably because they weren't swinging around lightsabers like Sith in training. Hello. A voice whispered into his ear. "Hello???" We are the Sith Eternal... We have been very impressed with your skills. We will make you one of us... Finally! This was the man's dream come true!  He was being accepted to become a Sith Lord. We hereby dub you, Darth Corruptus, Dark Lord of the Sith.

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