Battle on Coruscant

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Coruscant is a planet in the Coruscant system and part of the Core Worlds, making it an extremely strong and modern city and the superpower of the time. Darth Corruptus had a master plan that would help him defeat the Jedi once and for all, and establish the Extergalactic Empire of the Sith, which would far outclass the Exogalactic Republic, or the Ancient Sith Empire, or even the Galactic Empire. Corruptus planned to extend his empire beyond the Sith planets and the cults, and reconquer the former Sith planets that were taken by the Republic. But if his plan succeeded, he would be able to destroy the Jedi no matter what they do, and the universe would be under the rule of Emperor Corruptus.

First, he would have to get his troops down to Coruscant without being seen, and sneak into the temple of the Jedi Order. He explained the plan to his troops. "Okay men, our plan is as follows. Cover team, you guys are going to cover me while we sneak into the Jedi Order temple. I have distributed Omniblack trooper suits made out of drachnus steel among each of you, and you must put it on. Maintain complete silence. Distringer team, you guys must cause a diversion that alerts all Jedi to stop you. Your armour is coloured with Clariwhite drachnus steel. Finally, Expeditor team, you guys will be wearing the same uniform as the Cover team, but your helmets are especially equipped to locate archaic objects. Your job is to raid the temple of any artifact you find. Understand?" "Yes, sir!", the cultists cry in unison.

Darth Corruptus led his men in Omniblack jets and flew through space to land on the heavily guarded planet of Coruscant. They landed their jets in the Omniblack room for Jedi Omniblack jets, where they would be almost invisible. The Distringer team ran through Coruscant screaming and making noise, enough noise for the Jedi to run out and put down the group. It resulted in lots of bloodshed. While the Distringer team fought the Jedi, Corruptus, the Cover team, and the Expeditor team snuck through the Jedi temple, and Corruptus began his master plan. He meditated and began to summon his magic. The cover team covered him by surrounding him completely, and the expeditor team ransacked the place.

The Jedi stormed their temple looking for the rest of the cultists. One distringer team member talked, and the Jedi ran into their temple to catch Corruptus. Their new leader, Jedi Master Quintofloren, a powerful warrior, led the Jedi in. The cover team attacked the Jedi. Quintofloren plowed through them, and pounced on Corruptus. Corruptus immediately stopped his meditation and rolled out of the way, igniting the Darksaber. Quintofloren and Corruptus dueled, trading heavy blows, until finally, Corruptus delivered a powerful strike to the chest and killed the master. His meditation had been disrupted and ended, and he was sapped of his energy for a while. He would have to retreat now, his plan having failed.

With whatever was left of his army, they left for Freid, and a charismatic leader of the protestant cultists spoke up, and caused a divide of the people into Sith supportive and peace supportive. The young leader exclaimed "Your brilliant plan has left half of our army dead and what have we accomplished? Nothing!" A member of the expeditor team yelled back. "We got all these artifacts and killed the Jedi leader!" "Easy for you to say, you got to steal stuff. My men and I had to be punching dummies and distractions for the Jedi. We took the brunt of the hit." Corruptus broke it up. "Enough. The plan has failed, that is it. I accept my share of the blame, but this wouldn't have happened if one of your men hadn't chickened out and gave away the plan!" 

The leader said nothing, and instead lept onto Corruptus and knocked the exhausted Sith lord down. He pulled out his blaster and was about to kill Corruptus, when a red lightsaber went through his ribs, ending the rebel. Darth Nihilus stepped out from behind the corpse and calmly said, "Thank you for reviving the Sith Order, Darth Corruptus.", with all the Sith ever behind him. On the other side of the matter, the Jedi were pleased and joyful at the return of every Jedi they ever had. The magic of Corruptus had brought back the Sith and the Jedi. Thus began the Cosmican War, the ultimate war of Sith and Jedi.

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