Purging Sordenon

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After Darth Corruptus realized the Jedi had tried to plague the Empire with the disease, Corruptus resolved to purge all Jedi from nearby systems, and he decided to start with the nearest Jedi-affiliated planet. Corruptus understood that to take this planet would result in the economy rocketing sky-high. The planet he was taking, Kylon, was named after the redeemed Sith, Kylo Ren, and was home to the most extravagant city to ever be known to the universe: Sordenon. Sordenon was also called Cred Central, in sync with it being one of the richest places in the universe, and the richest in the Outer Rim. Corruptus decided that ridding Sordenon of the Jedi and conquering it for the Extergalactic Empire would be very beneficial for the Sith.

When he flew his flagship, the Imperial, to Kylon, he was immediately denied access by King Regia, ruler of Sordenon, and very much in league with the Jedi and the Exogalactic Republic. Regia sought advice from the Jedi who resided in the city, and they all came out to face the Dark Lord. Corruptus ignited his Darksaber, and began to duel the five Jedi Masters and the Jedi Knight. Corruptus began the duel against Master Relkon Baltek, the Jedi who killed Sith Lords Salvetus and Rexus, with an immediate aggressive strike to the arm. The blow chopped off his weapon arm, and the rest was an easy fight.

The two Jedi Masters Meetra Surik (The exile), and Quinlan Vos stepped into the duel after watching their comrade fall. Quinlan went on the offensive and swung his lightsaber wildly, hoping to hit Corruptus. Vos wanted to distract the Sith Lord while Surik flanked him. Unfortunately for them, Corruptus summoned his rage to fuel him and unleashed an ion blast of True Force Lightning on Vos. The Jedi was immediately destroyed by the stream of ions, while Surik's attack was prevented. She decided to try again and strike from above, but Corruptus moved aside and ended her in midair. The remaining two, Jedi Knight Cade Skywalker and Jedi Master Nat Skywalker, rushed towards the bloodthirsty Sith Lord, and were hammered down by a barrage of Force Lightning (True Force Lightning) bolts. Regia was forced to submit to the Extergalactic Empire and Kylon was renamed to Sordenon, after the city's complete control of the planet was taken into account.

Regia bowed down to his new ruler and was forced to abdicate and be demoted to become a political leader (titled "Praetor") of his planet. The Empire controlled Regia, but Regia could make minor decisions to govern his planet. Regia also had to give up his famous sceptre, the Eburric Staff, which could control animal minds, to Darth Corruptus. It was passed off to the new Dark Councilor of the Sphere of Biotic Science for further study. Sordenon was successfully purged of Jedi.

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