Forging the army

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Darth Corruptus now wielded the most powerful handheld weapon in the universe, and he was inclined to begin his attacks on the Jedi. However, he was outnumbered by the Jedi about 30,000 to 1. Even with his amount of midichlorians he couldn't comprehend taking on the entire Jedi Order, and he would need some serious help. There was only one strong Sith cult that still thrived, which was The Cult of Frius, on Freid. The Jedi had knowledge that the cult was out there on Freid using the dark side of the force, but the cultists were smart enough to keep a powerful defense that could turn back any Jedi force that were sent. Corruptus traveled to Freid, and was ready to, for the first time, lead an army.

Upon reaching the chilly planet, he put on a warm coat that would allow heat inside, and then strode confidently through the place. He was met with a hostile greeting from the guards who tried to turn him back. He ignited his darksaber, and force choked the guard, stating who he was, what his title was, and where their status was compared to his. He let the guard go, who immediately kneeled and swore his allegiance. The other bystanders followed in suit, and so did the passersby. He went into the palace and stormed the throne room. In the Sith's place was a new makeshift Sith leader who took control of most of the known Sith cults, and he wanted to make sure nobody could oppose him.

Naturally, when Corruptus went before him with a small force of the king's guards, the king was enraged. He ordered Corruptus to get out, ignoring the darksaber on purpose. Corruptus had enough, and force choked the king to death. Corruptus now took control of the Cult of Frius, and sent out a huge radio message in Ur-Kittât, the ancient Sith language, which was now only remembered by the cultists. There were millions of responses from the Sith cultists around the universe, and after a fortnight of waiting, all the cultists met up at Freid. Corruptus explained he was the last Sith lord, and was rightly titled Dark Lord of the Sith. He rallied the cultists to follow him as a leader, and was unanimously hailed as Darth Corruptus, Emperor of the Sith.

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