Darth Krayt, a half-chapter

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Darth Krayt was the ruler of the One Sith, and he believed there should be one Sith and all others should worship him. Naturally, he felt angry that Corruptus took, in his mind, his rightful place. He confronted Corruptus and tried to use a mind trick to rope Corruptus into giving him power. However, Corruptus's adept ability to use the Force was rendering him immune. Krayt's idea failed and Corruptus realized what Krayt was trying to do. Corruptus drew his Darksaber, and dueled the Sith Lord. Krayt threw a few daggers to distract Corruptus, but forgot that Corruptus could use the Force to throw them back. The daggers missed, but Krayt was preoccupied with them for a split second. Corruptus did a flying sidekick and knocked down Krayt. Corruptus drew his Darksaber and kept it steady at his neck. Krayt used Force telepathy to alert his followers to his position, and Corruptus sensed the messages. He quickly killed Krayt, and waited for the followers.

When they burst in, he was ready. With quick swings, he destroyed many of the followers. Half of what remained knelt down, while the others were angry. The followers who gave in to Corruptus tried to kill them, but Corruptus made sure they couldn't. He used his own Force telepathy to call his second. Nihilus teleported in the room and devoured the life force of the rebels. He then thanked Corruptus for the opportunity and left. The four remaining were dubbed by Corruptus as the Returned Four, a quartet of Sith Inquisitors. They were also given the Darth titles, except for the leader of the group: Darth Calidus, Darth Fluxus, Darth Reditus, and the Duceprime (D - yoo - seh - prime). The title of Duceprime was only bestowed upon one person, who is the leader of the Returned Four: Tergum Princeps.

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