The Darksaber

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The map to Mandalore had led Corruptus to find the old planet that was once occupied by thousands of thousands of Mandalorians who all had deep history in Sith alliances. The few Mandalorians who now lived here were gloomy and morose due to the constant raiders that plagued their city all the way from Traclun, coming as the last surviving remnants of the Empire. Now, Corruptus was going to end that misery. The Mandalorians were still angry at the Jedi for almost destroying their planet, resulting in a huge diaspora for the Mandalorians, as an escape. Corruptus aimed to use this anger as a means for another Sith alliance with Mandalore. However, there was one thing he needed. Buried deep in the Death Watch headquarters, in the Tombs of Mandalore, a weapon was kept.

Corruptus strode the halls of the Death Watch. After the battle with the Final Order, the Jedi had ransacked many planets to build the new Exogalactic Republic, leaving billions homeless and angry. Like me, he thought through gritted teeth. When the Jedi said they would bring balance to the force, they said nothing about bringing balance to the real world. And since the Sith were gone, they were virtually the only ones who could feel the force, meaning they would only bring peace to themselves. Corruptus reached the tombs, and opened the door. He was met by Mandalorian guards with electrostaffs, who denied him entry. Corruptus politely asked them to move aside, but they refused, and Corruptus ended them. He continued on through the tombs, until he found the one labeled "Pre Vizsla". At 19 BBY, Pre Vizsla was beheaded by Darth Maul, and the Darksaber, a black laserblader, was taken by Maul. Once Maul died, the Darksaber was buried back with Vizsla, and forgotten over the ages. Darth Corruptus sought to take it and use it as his most powerful weapon.

He ripped through the guards and after many hours of rummaging, he found a glimmer of silver. He peered at it, then grabbed it. It was a lightsaber hilt. He ignited it and found he was wrong. Not a lightsaber. A dark saber.

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