Navispatum's Engine

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In the Rebel-Sith guerrilla war of around 1000 BBY, between the Exiled Darth Orlifarious and Darth Cognus, a faster-than-light spaceship was used; Navispatum. It could traverse space at an unfathomable speed of 44 lightyears per second, but was blown up in a sneak attack, in Dromund Kaas. Corruptus ordered his new leads of the Spheres of Military Offense and Technology, Darth Ignis and Darth Acina to get Dromund Kaas dug up until Navispatum was found.
The two Sith Lords got to it, and sent legions of Sith Cultists to mine. With Acina's technology and Ignis's experience on Dromund Kaas's sub-terrain, the pair eventually finished the job. The Sith Cultists were handsomely rewarded, while Corruptus looked over Navispatum's scraps. "Take it apart.", he ordered. Acina protested, "But my Lord, this is a huge find! We can't just destroy it!" "I said take it apart, not destroy it. We just want the engine. Replicate it for every one of our vessels." Acina followed the command, and made sure the Extergalactic Empire would have the best spaceships there were.
Corruptus flew his modified spaceship towards Korriban, where his palace was, and prepared for the greatest and biggest war the universe would ever know.

Continued in the next book: The Cosmican War.

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