Curing the plague

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When Darth Corruptus returned from his trip to Korriban, he was faced with a plague on one of his planets. Many Sith warriors and Shadow Guards, including Captain Xudar and Kelish Fodin, the one who found the mine. He was forced to look into it because Darth Acharon, head of the Sphere of Biotic Science, fell prey to the deadly plague. His cybernetic body intercepted a sample of the disease and was sent to Captain Vir and his Sphere of Technology to inspect. Vir poked around the disease, and found it was a powerful parasite that was Force-resistant, and could only be killed by a special pollen-like substance that was found in a plant called a Spestic Clover.

However, the Spestic Clover was an almost extinct species of clover and could only be found in Darth Rexus's hidden kingdom in the Outer Rim. Rexus himself was the one to hide it, so Corruptus called upon the former Sith King and told him to direct him to the field. Darth Rexus's rule was peaceful, and he spent his rule developing a huge field of plants that served as the primary source of food for the Sith. That field was called Norvan, and somewhere in it, the Spestic Clover lay.

Upon reaching the planet, Corruptus felt something wrong. The image in front of him was perfect. Too perfect. Rexus waved his hands a bit, and the utopia disappeared, making way for nothing more than a huge castle. Its fortifications were that of legend, and it was considered to be in the top 5 most fortified places in the world, the first being the Carcean Arc. Corruptus realized that the reason it stayed safe from the raids was because it used a Force Illusion, like the one he used to trick Watto when getting the map to Mandalore from Tatooine. Rexus pointed at a nearby aqueduct. "That should lead you to Norvan." "Thank you." Corruptus ventured on the path of the aqueduct and after a while, arrived on Norvan. His eyes took a moment to adjust, and he gazed upon the magnificent field. He then came back to his mission, and came upon the Spestic Clover.

After bringing it back, he cured the plague and saved the Sith Empire. Vir realized that only Jedi could access the cause of the disease, and therefore, revenge must be dealt.

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