Dathomir Again

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The newly named Sith Lord, Darth Corruptus, started towards Tatooine, knowing of a well known cartographer who stayed there. As he departed, he decided to keep his identity a secret until he was incredibly powerful. When he reached the sandy planet, he went through the village of simple beings. He passed Watto's shop, the birthplace of the Great Darth Vader. Then he continued towards the cartographer, and after an elongated stretch of time, arrived. He opened the dingy door, and inhaled a clump of dust. He pushed on, and found a man sprawled across the floor, dead. He heard a rifle reload, and hazarded a guess that it was pointed at him. He flipped back, kicked, ignited his lightsaber, and destroyed the rifle. The thief tried to flee, but the Force drew him back. "Where is the map to Mandalore?" "Dathomir!!!" The thief screamed, and drew his last breath. Watto bumbled away after seeing this, and later was destroyed also.

After receiving the info about Mandalore, Darth Corruptus headed on to Dathomir. When he returned, unlike the first time, he was not attacked by anyone. The bandits probably warned each other about him. When he found the Nightbrother camp, he stormed inside, and, keeping his calm, asked for the map to Mandalore. The chief replied "I do not know of the map's whereabouts, you will vant to see Mother Talzin about this." Corruptus departed and went to seek an audience with Mother Talzin. He was promptly denied entry, and thrown out of the court. He returned after a few minutes, but didn't let the Nightsisters throw him out this time. He quickly put on a light-unscrambling headset so Mother Talzin's light refraction wouldn't work on him, then ignited his lightsaber. After erasing the guards, he strode inside the court, and forcibly commanded the witch to give him the map. After she refused, he force choked her with one hand, and slaughtered the rest of the sisters with his lightsaber in his other. He then asked her once more for the map, and still, she refused. He choked her and killed her, dismayed at this setback. No matter, he thought, for he could still figure out a way to get what he wanted.

Just as he left, a light orb floated to him and entered his head. He closed his eyes, then opened them, feeling a new sense of power and magic. He put up his hands, concentrated on the map, and made it appear. Now, magic became one of his powers. He came back to his original mission to go to Mandalore.

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