blackness, my old friend.

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"Please be ok...." I heard a whisper.
I felt a lof of ruttling and movin then the blackness came again....

Warm feeling.....

A blanket on me....

People moving around...

Hanging to dear life, while swinging toward death i heard a shisper in my ear, a whisper i kept in mind, the one that kept me holding on... "I love you".

The blackness started to dessapper. Slowly reaveling light and warmt. My senses coming back to me, i tried opening my eyes, but no success.
Failing over and over to pull myself from the blackness that hovered over me, trying to pull me in, I stopped trying, too weak to successed.

A flick of light, warm red light was to be seen through me eye lids. Trying to reach out and grab it, my hands finally moving. I felt a sharp intake and opened my eyes, gaining full control on my body. I saw a familiar face. Short black hair, beautiful eyes. The back of my head was tingling, like trying to remember, but i was strong enough. Giving her a small weak smile, i layed back and get blackness, my old friend, get a hold of me. Just for a bit. Just for me to sleep a little. Not for long.

so yeah guys im sorry for the LONG time to update, had a lot of stuff going on and the biggest writers block, but im back!
Love you all guys!
Signing off! (For now)
-Dawn. :D

P.s- sorry for the shory chapter guys but more to come soon!

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