I don't think this was a Good Idea.

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'FINALLY!' I thought getting out of the back 'employees only' door.

I got into an ally, which was not that bad. It didn't smelled that bad and it looked like someone was actually CLEANING it. I started to walk, then run, down the ally, knowing that if I would get away for too long, amy would be worried, beacuse I left my bag with her. With my phone inside. I did finished my job but had to go to "the bathroom".

I got to the end of it, where it was connecting a small sideway road. I saw a little black car standing in the other side of the little road. It looked like there was someone in there... I walked over, knocking on the car's door. The window slided open, till I was looking at hannah, face to face.

For a second she looked happy, then she looked concerned. "Watch out!" Hannah shouted, moving me away. I fall to the ground as I see an explosion accure, getting back up just in time to see Hannah's hair floating next to her, her eyes glowing gold, a some type of necklace, with a pink gem connected to a strip made out of leather (photo in media), floating above her neck. I looked at the explosion, seeing it left a little hole in the ground, and 3 big guys on the ground, 3 knifes laying near them. I was shocked. What just happend?

The door next to me suddenly opened, duncan looking at me from the drivers seat, he's eyes glowing light blue, he's hair a littke scattered next to him in the air, a necklace looking identical to Hannah's around his neck, only this one had a light blue gem in it.(photo in media) "GET IN!" Duncan shouted. I got in in a second, closing the door behind me, the car started to move instantly. I looked at the men, only to see them turn to dust in front of my eyes. I pinched myself. "Ow!".

"What?" Hannah looked at me, looking concerned. "I pinched myself, just in case this is a dream" I said, looking at my legs, a little embarrassed. "So, what is your conclusion? " Hannah asked me.

"That this is not a dream. And in this case, I dont think it was a good idea".

What did you think? Leave your thoughts about what you think this strange events down in the comments.
Before I go I just wanted to say THANKS YOU so much on 100 reads on this story. I REALLY appreciate that, and I love every one of you guys for coming here and reading my story and hopefully enjoying it. :*
You all get COOCKIES!
Signing off!

Btw- already have the next chapter writed out, I think I will write another one today. I feel productive and inspired.

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