The Awakening

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"She will be fine, she is strong and will get through this easily like all of us".
"But what if she dont? What if isn't gonna wake up? What are we gonna say to kim?!" Kim? What about her? What they need to say to her? What is going on? "I really dont know. But she is gonna wake up. I can feel her aura. she is strong. Her aura is getting stronger by the second. She will be fine. Dint worry about it"  not worry about what? I dont get it guys. What is going on? I couldn't see a thing. Everything was black. Slowly my senses started to get stronger. I could smell an aftershave and a some kind of perfume. I cringed my nose. The two of them together wasn't that good of a smell. I slowly opened my eyes. Everything looked so weird. I could see a lot of colors that I never saw before. I started to get up when a hand pushed me down. I looked up at hannah. "You really shouldn't try that. It will give you a head ache." She said, her tone calm. I could hear bells ringing underneath her voice. "Why do you have bells ringing when you talk?" I asked really confused. I could hear bells ringing when I talked. My voice sounded different. "That is just how it work. Every one that is a magical being have bells ringing underneath their voice. But only we can clearly hear them. The humans just think our voice is pretty. It is easier to charm them to forget what they saw this way. It can be kinda annoying sometimes but you get used to it." She smiled. For the first time I looked around me. I was in a big house with windows. I was laying on a sofa of some kind. "Where am I?". I was confused. The last thing I remember is.... "you shot me with those lazer thingys! Why did you do that? You tried to kill me!" I was panicking. I sat up quickly and immediately regret that. I layed back down, my head spinning. "Ugh." "I did warned you. You shouldn't have done that. Now for your questions; one- you are at mine's and Lewis's house. Second- we did that beacuse this is the only way to make your magical side awake. It was an awake call for him. Also- did you even felt your gem?" She said. For a second I didn't understood what she wanted. Then I felt it. A strange feeling against my neck. A new pressure against my skin. I reached to it, picking it up. I saw a little purple gem, like hannah had. "What does it mean?" I asked preparing myself for the answer to come.

"You're a wizard, harry". She joked. I looked at her like are-you-flippin-kidding-me. "Nah im just kidding. Your a witch now. Well that what the humans call us. We are more like a magical beings. Either one of us have a semblance. All of them are different. They can be under the same category,  but the use is not the same. Like one can shoot lightning bolt out of his hands and the other one need a power sorce to channel the energy from. Oh and everyone have their 'logo' type thing, they have on the back of their cloak, for identifying reasons. Got it?" She said. I tried to get all of the information In. "So magical super power logos and gems? Sounds like an anime". (Ten points to everyone who get the anime. Without the gems. Clue: its an american anime).

"Well, it's not. Now come on we need to teach you how to get your cloak. That is the first thing you will learn and the first time you will know your symbol. My symbol is an owl. Are you feeling better?" She said.
An owl? Interesting. Maybe its a sign she is smart or something like that.

"Yeah I feel batter. Can we go? I really want to try and learn my new powers! It's so cool!" I said, sounding like a 5 year old girl who just got a new toy. "Sure, lets go out to the dark forest, there is a training ground that is a magical land, so it will be easier for you to learn".

Do you guys like the whole supernatural thing that is going on?
Tell me about it in the comments pls. (That was a Duncan pls. Keep that in mind).
I am also trying to make the stops between episodes be no more then 10 days. So If I am not uploading in 10 days it is or I have a flo, or I am dead. Or my parents decided to take my phone forever. Or I have a writers block. One of them. Possibly writers block. Most of the time. ANYWAY....
I dont see a lot of readings as the story progress. Do you like this book so far?
Votes are always appreciated.
Signing off!

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