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Hannah's pov! (Weren't expecting that now were you? :P )
Sitting next to skyler, everyday, constantly waiting for her to get up and awake is pretty frustrating... kim can't do it anymore. She wouldn't be able to handle it. It was getting close to a year since the accident, and her audience is starting to notice there is something wrong with her. She wasn't the same. She got sadder and angry easier.

I think she needs to let her go.

Kim's pov
After two hours of laughter i got up and drove back home. Recording was fun, it made my problems go away. Disappear and dissolve for an hour or two. Taking me away from reality and back into the world of games. then Hannah called.

Skyler's pov
Splashes of colors covered up the blackness when i heard a girl speaking. Several tones of pink and yellow. It was beautiful, like a sky at dawn time, like the setting sun that I didnt see for so long. How long? I dont know. Little splashes of red appeared as i heard the other voice, but quieter. Like... its from a phone. Another splashes appeared as the voice started to shout.
It sounded so familiar.... but then i heard a click and the voice disappeared, and with it the colors, leaving me in the darkness again.
Please, dont leave me. I dont want to be alone.

Hannah's pov
I looked at skyler. She may be in there. But we can't keep it up. Its hurting kim. Hurting her too much. Looking down at my hands, I tried to decide what to do. Kim shouted at me on the phone, telling me she is still in there, and she can be saved, but I doubted that. It's been too long. Getting up I suddenly froze. There was a whisper. "Dont leave me alone". I turned to look at skyler when suddenly all of the room was illuminated with purple and red colors. I could see bearly see sky's outline, she was floating in the air. Her necklace. It was glowing. Glowing red and purple. What is going on? I thought to myself. Sky opened her eyes and looked at me. She removed her necklace and tore the gem to two. One red piece was ruby red. The other one was lilac purple. She closed the purple necklace around her neck, holding to the ruby one tightly in her closed fist. Her eyes fluttered, then closed, the glow disappearing like it never was there, sky falling on the sofa in a sitting position. Sitting next to her i heard a slight snore coming from her. Looking down at her i saw her smilong in her dream, sleeping peacefully. Slowly turning her, I layed her down and covered her with a blanket. Looking down at her I noticed her still closed fist. Trying to open it, I knew in an instant I wouldn't be able to. Only she can. A thought came to my mind. Well more of a name. Kim. It was not my thought. It came from really clo- Sky. It was Sky. She is calling Kim. Quickly pulling out my phone I dialled the number I called so many times over this part of my life. One ring, two rings,
Three rin- "Hello?"

CLIFF HANGER! WOO! Im so fucking sorry guys, but I'll update pretty often now, had a LOT of stuff on my mind and didn't have time to write. Again, SO FUDGING SORRY!
Ok so.....
Signing off now!

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