Chapter 5

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The doctors are talking about moving Tony to a hospice. To die. They don't believe he will recover anymore. I've grown attached to him though and don't want that to happen. I feel he will pull through.
I make the quick walk to work and arrive early. I start at 8pm, just after visiting hours end, so being as I'm early I grab a coffee in the cafe. I sit and watch the people passing through, wondering what their stories are. I glance up at the clock and see it's time to head on up. I wonder what tonight will bring.
I put my bag and jacket in my locker and go to get any updates I might need. The doctor in charge of Tony's recovery tells me if he's stable enough, he will more than likely be getting moved on Friday. Today is Tuesday. I nod sadly and head down to check his vitals. I chat away, wondering if he can actually hear me. I tell him they've said he might be getting moved. Within seconds I hear the beeping on his heart monitor change pattern. I swing around to face the bed. His heart rate has dropped. I grab his hand to check his pulse and his heart rate stabilises. How strange. I turn away again and hear the monitor do the same. I check the wires are ok incase it's them at fault but they're fine. I touch his hand again and his heart rate changes again.
"You know I'm here. You heard what I said" I whisper. I knew he was improving when everyone else doubted it. I breath a sigh of relief.
"Behave yourself" I mutter, mainly to myself but also partly aimed at this man I don't even know but feel so attached to. I see his finger twitch as I look once more.
"I won't let them move you but you have to let them know you're trying. I can't do this on my own mate" I say.
"Can you move your finger again?"
There is the tiniest movement but he does. I smile, knowing this could be the start of his full recovery.
"Right, I'm going to take your hand in mine and if you can, squeeze it. It doesn't have to be a bone crushing squeeze but I need to feel something" I say, taking his hand lightly in mine. Nothing.
"Come on man, squeeze it" I mutter. Then he does. I squeeze his hand back ever so lightly and decide to try something else.
"That was brilliant Tony. Now do you think you can lift your hand. Just a little bit." He manages to get it a couple of millimetres off the cover but he did it.
"I'll be right back" I say as I go to find a doctor and tell them what's happened.
Dr Matthews follows me back in and I show him what Tony's been doing. It's a fantastic start to the night shift.

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