Chapter 12

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I am at the hospital having a check up and I've been given the all clear to perform again. The doctors are amazed I'm ready after what I went through but after numerous tests they've said I'm good to go. I brought tickets and letters for the nurses who cared for me. Lauren and team. My heart is in my mouth as I find Jenny, one of the nurses from the day shift and she squeals with happiness when she sees me on my feet and doing so well. I hand her the four envelopes and she opens hers straight away, promising me she will be there. One down. She tells me she will find out about the others and if I ring the ward and ask for her she will let me know about the others.
I head home, hoping more than anything that Lauren will come on Saturday. I haven't been able to forget her voice over the last year. I've tried on more than one occasion to find her but I had no joy and my mobility was limited. I'm still getting stronger each day and carrying on with the exercises though and the doctors said there will still be improvement.
I get in my house and check my phone for messages and check Twitter, Facebook etc before grabbing a bite to eat. I still get tired pretty easily so I head on up for a nap after and in my dreams I hear her voice. It's her I want to see on Saturday.

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