Chapter 13

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"Honey, what makes you think he will reject you?" Vic asks me. Is he kidding me?
"I'm an unsociable fat weirdo" I mutter. He looks upset at my words.
"I can tell you now you aren't. How do you know this guy hasn't been trying to find you too? And you're anything but fat. You're skin and bone. When was the last time you ate properly?"
I look up at him. I've had virtually no appetite in the last year so I only ate when I really felt the need to, which wasn't that often. I shake my head, going to stand up again. I just want to go home. He sees how tired I look and offers me a lift. I nod, knowing I'll get home just that tinier bit quicker. I give him my address and I'm actually asleep when we pull up. My eyes jolt open as he stops the car and I climb out, thanking him. As I pick my bag up from the footwell, the envelope falls out. He goes to pass it to me but it's upside down and the letter and ticket fall out. He glances at them and I see a look of realisation on his face.
"It's you" he says. I look at him. I don't understand.
"You're Tony's Lauren."
How does he know Tony?
My mouth falls open in shock. Vic knows I've realised something but I turn and run inside before he can do anything. I frantically unlock my door and as soon as it's shut, I slide down the other side of it, more sobs racking my body. I hear a gentle knock and jump away.
"Lauren, it's Vic. Please open up."
I stand there, unsure of what to do but some force makes my hand open the door. He looks at me.
"You helped one of my best friends come back from the brink of death. You have no idea how badly he wants to meet you in person to thank you. He says your voice soothed him when he was at his worst and your encouragement helped him to recover. Lauren, please let him say his thank you's."
"I don't know if I can be in such a crowded area though. I'm scared of large crowds. What if I have a panic attack? He will laugh at me. I don't want him to laugh at me" I mumble through my sobs. I feel a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around me.
"I'll be there ok. You'll be fine. We can put you at the side of the stage without him knowing so the surprise will still be there.Would that be ok?"
I look up at Vic and nod uncertainly.
I feel a small smile breaking through as I nod a second time. Then I panic. I have no clothes suitable for going anywhere other than work or grocery shopping. Vic sees the look on my face and raises an eyebrow.
"I have nothing to wear" I whisper.
"Well, I'd better take you shopping then" he says, an amused look in his eyes. I sigh, needing sleep more than I need clothes but pick my bag up anyway. We head back down to his car and drive to the nearest mall. I've no idea what I want but Vic seems to have some idea of what he thinks I should get. I follow him into a nearby shop and he greets a beautiful woman there with a kiss.
"Lauren, this is my girlfriend Danielle. Danielle, this is Lauren, one of the nurses who looked after Tony and she's stuck for an outfit to wear on Saturday. What do you recommend?"
Danielle looks at me, a smile forming on her face. She leads me to a display near the window and picks out a skater dress. Dark blue on the skirt and cream on the bodice. She passes one to me and leads me to the fitting room where I change into it.
"Let me see" she calls so I shyly step out, my arms wrapped around myself like a security blanket. She gently pushes my arms down and turns me towards a mirror. She twists my hair off my face and makes me look at my reflection. Really look. I don't see me. I see an attractive young woman staring back at me. I feel a tear in my eye. I've avoided mirrors for so long I haven't seen how much I've changed. I look well, normal. Not the fat girl who was bullied for so long.

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