Chapter 17

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I open the door slightly and Tony is standing there, waiting for me. He holds out his hand and I look up into his eyes before holding out my own hand. He gently wraps his arms around me and just holds me, tears streaming down his face.
"It was you. You kept me going. Your voice made me feel calm when I thought I was losing it. I heard every word you said and the way you chatted to me even when you weren't expecting a reply was so boosting. I wouldn't have recovered without you. When I heard you asking me to do stuff I knew I had to. Just for you. To make you happy. I wanted so badly to see your smile when I smiled at you and now I can."
I don't know what to say. I didn't think my voice could have that effect on anyone but Tony says it helped him so I guess for once in my life I didn't screw up. I feel a tear run down my face and realise I'm crying too. We just stand there for a few minutes, hugging each other. We realise we are standing in the doorway of the bathroom and Tony starts leading me back towards the green room. I wipe my eyes and follow him, never letting go of his hand. I can't believe how the broken man from the hospital has gotten so much better. You'd almost never know how severe his injuries were just under 18 months ago. He pauses to look at me and I smile. His own smile lights up his face and I feel butterflies in my stomach. He's gorgeous and hasn't gone running away from me yet.
We return to the green room and Tony offers me a drink. I nod and ask for a Pepsi max. I'm not a big drinker. He passes me a bottle of said drink and sits down on a couch, patting the seat next to him for me to sit on. I join him and his arm goes around my shoulders. I hear a voice shout "smile for the camera" and without thinking do so. I hear a click as someone takes a photo of Tony and I and I sigh with happiness, relief - too many other emotions to think about.
It's really loud in there so after half an hour or so, Tony suggests we go to get something to eat. Somewhere more private. I nod. That sounds good to me. Any excuse to be around Tony just a little longer.

She kissed the scars on his skin.Where stories live. Discover now