Chapter 21

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I got the call today. It's been a week since I told Tony and we've texted or seen each other every day. Now he's coming over to pick me up to go to the hospital. My hands are shaking so badly I can barely hold my coffee and I feel sick. I hear him knock on the door and I carefully put my mug down as I go to open up. He sees how tired and pale I look and gently wraps his arms around me. We have a few minutes before we need to go so I walk through to the lounge and finish my coffee. He waits patiently while I get my shoes on and grab a jacket and my bag. He holds his hand out for me to take hold of and I grip him so tight I'm scared I'll hurt him. He gently turns me towards him and hugs me again before kissing me softly.
"By your side, always" he whispers. I smile at his words but the feeling of dread hasn't gone away. I'm a nurse. I know the way a body works. We reach the car and he opens the door for me. I get in and fasten my seatbelt and we go. He puts the radio on for the short trip and I smile as Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance comes on. It's the catchiest song ever written. Like ever. I can't help mouthing the words as we move along the busy road.
We reach the hospital all too soon and my hands have started shaking again. Tony opens the car door and puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk inside and report to the correct department. Luckily it's not the hospital I work in so I don't see any of my colleagues. We sit down in the waiting room and I grab a magazine off the small table and flick restlessly through it, trying to keep my mind off what's coming.
"Lauren Parry" calls a nurse and my stomach churns with fear. I shakily stand up and Tony follows suit seconds later. He takes my hand as we follow the nurse down a corridor and into a consultation room, where the doctor is sitting behind a desk, reading the notes. I sit down on one of the chairs and Tony sits on the other, never letting go of my hand.
"Miss Parry" the consultant says, acknowledging me. I give a weak smile. Tony gives my hand a gentle squeeze.
"Your results came in early this morning. Blood tests have confirmed the gene isn't present but we will be keeping an eye on you to check this doesn't change given your family history."
I hear a sob leave my mouth as I hear the words I hoped to hear and Tony is grinning like he's won the lottery. I'm handed an appointment sheet for six months time and I'm told if anything changes to contact them immediately. I nod and stand, my legs feeling unsteady. Tony wraps his arm around my waist to support me and after thanking the doctor, we leave. I'm shaking but with relief this time. We make it to the car park before Tony picks me up an swings me around, still grinning away.
"See, I was right" he whispers, teasing me, before he kisses me.

She kissed the scars on his skin.Where stories live. Discover now