Chapter 28

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Lauren had her six month appointment last week, right before the band had to fly out to Australia for the Soundwave festival and a few other dates. It's our first tour since the accident and my strength is completely back to normal. I've been skyping her every day which with the time difference is a bit tricky but I know I'll be seeing her again in just a few more days. She's been difficult to get hold of today though so I've asked Vic if he can get hold of Danielle. Lauren and her have become pretty good friends and I am hoping she's seen or heard from her.
I hear Vic chatting to her and decide to leave them for a few minutes. It's hard on all of us being away from our loved ones and they don't need me interrupting just yet. I try Lauren again. I've texted her so many times today and to be honest I'm a bit worried. She usually gets back to me as soon as she can but it's been hours and that's really unlike her.
I can't wait any longer.
"Vic, sorry to interrupt your loved up chat but I need to know if Danielle has heard from Lauren today" I say, bouncing on the balls of my feet. I glance out of the window of the tour bus while I wait for Danielle to reply and see hoards of fans already lining up outside the venue.
"I'm sorry Tony, I haven't. I'll pop around there later after work and see if she's ok. I know yesterday she was saying she was tired but she had done an extra shift this week so she might just be crashed out. I'll let Vic know ok."
I nod and feel some relief but I decide to text Lauren again. I just miss her so much.
We enter the venue and do soundcheck and a meet and greet before the show. It feels so good to be able to get up on stage again. I live for it. That and Lauren obviously. The minute we are done for the night I grab my phone and try again. I don't know why as the time difference is all out but I just need to see her perfect face before I sleep.
She doesn't answer. This time I wasn't expecting her to answer but meh. I smile at one of the photos of us together I have on my phone and mentally send her a kiss.
There a few die hard fans outside the bus so I go out and sign stuff and take photos with them. There's not many so it doesn't take too long but after all, they bothered waiting for us all this time. One girl asks how I'm doing after the crash. I tell her I'm better than ever thanks to the nurses.
"Aren't you dating the really pretty one?" I'm asked. I grin and nod.
"That's so cool" I hear. I'm glad they aren't hating on Lauren the way some of them have hated on Danielle in the past, just because she's dating Vic. He wouldn't be with her if he didn't love her and it's unfair on her and any other band wives, girlfriends, husbands and boyfriends when the fans are cruel to them. They didn't choose the career of their other half at the end of the day.
I head back inside to see Vic with a slightly worried look in his eyes. I sit down and ask if he's ok. He tells me he's just tired but I think something else is bothering him. I can't force him to talk though so I leave it for now.

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