Chapter 19

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I feel like a complete mess. But Tony is being so sweet so I take a deep breath and tell him why I am struggling to eat. He doesn't seem bothered when I tell him I used to be overweight which I'm grateful for. This is a new me now anyway. I see the smile on his face and it's contagious, making me smile again. I honestly didn't think I'd ever see him again after he got moved in the hospital but I'm so glad I've been given a second chance so to speak.
We eat our meal and Tony pays, despite my protests. We head out of the restaurant and start walking back to the show venue. I don't really want to go home just yet, to leave his company. He maybe senses this as he offers to drive me home, which means just a few minutes with him. I nod and smile.
"That would be great" I say quietly. We reach his car, which he'd left at the arena, and I tell him where I live. He takes my hand in his as he drives and I close my eyes, relishing the last few moments of being with him. He probably won't want to know me after this and this saddens me. Due to my lack of self confidence, I've never had a proper relationship and why would someone as gorgeous as Tony want to be with me? I feel a tear roll down my cheek and quickly wipe it away. I open my eyes and see we have arrived at my apartment block. I turn to Tony and thank him for the lift home before getting out of the car and heading for my front door. I push my key in and feel the tears coming back so I quickly open up and go in. My knees buckle before I can close the door properly and I feel a pair of arms lifting me off the floor.
"I don't know why you're crying but I'm right here" I hear Tony whisper as he holds me against his chest. I can't explain how I feel about him to him. I'm in love with him. I was since day 1 and to be in love with a guy in a coma you're meant to be caring for was wrong. It was like my thoughts were taking advantage of his situation. And it's not like he could think the same back. He was in a freaking coma. My sobs won't subside. Maybe me going tonight was a stupid and selfish thing to do. I just needed to see him again. Just incase I don't make it.

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